Journal of Economics and International Finance

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Gender-wise determinant of informal sector employment in Jigjiga town: A cross sectional study2017/07/31
International financial centres, global finance and financial development in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)2017/07/31
Institutions effect on households savings in Kenya: A ranked ordered multinomial/conditional probit model approach2018/05/31
The optimal forecast model for Ghanas inflation: A stochastic approach2019/02/28
Government education expenditure and primary school enrolment in Nigeria: An impact analysis2019/04/30
Sectoral Aid for Trade and sectoral export performance in East Africa2019/05/31
Determinants of efficiency in the Ghanaian banking industry2017/09/30
Birr devaluation and its effect on trade balance of Ethiopia: An empirical analysis2017/12/31
Petroleum resources and Nigerias poverty profile2016/12/31
Can Cameroon become an emerging economy by the year 2035? Projections from univariate time series analysis2016/12/31
A model for evaluating recreation benefits with reference dependent preference2015/08/31
Banking sector reforms and output growth of manufacturing sector in Nigeria (1970-2011)2015/08/31
Economic growth and environmental degradation in Ethiopia: An environmental Kuznets curve analysis approach2015/04/30
The political economy of climate change2015/07/31
Modelling extreme volatility in the daily exchange rates of the Kenya shilling against the U.S. dollar2015/09/30
Portfolio balance approach: An empirical testing2015/06/30
Green banking in India2015/01/31
Effect of climate change on food crop production and vulnerability assessment in Oyo State2015/01/31
Optimizing the monthly crude oil price forecasting accuracy via bagging ensemble models2015/05/31
The effect of FDI on economic growth and the importance of host country characteristics2015/02/28
China-US interest in Africa: The implications for peace and development2013/07/31
Regimes Markov models with endogenous transition probabilities: Modeling fluctuations in Tunisia2013/09/30
Globalization and economic security in Nigeria: A reflection of the Nigerian manufacturing sector performance (1981 -2010)2013/10/31
Electricity consumption and gross domestic product in an electricity community: Evidence from bound testing cointegration and Granger-causality tests2013/07/31
Tenant eviction in property management practice in Ilorin Metropolis, Nigeria2013/07/31
Publicly available information and the pricing of book built IPOs: Evidence from India2013/04/30
Evaluating profit organizations financial tools development strategy for managing crises2013/08/31
Medical tourism: The new favorite tourist market2013/06/30
Evaluating profit organizations financial tools development strategy for managing crises2013/10/31
Evaluation of the current higher education funding model in Rwanda using Higher Education Students Loans Department (HESLD-REB) as a case study2013/06/30