Journal of Economics and International Finance

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Working capital management and profitability: Evidence from Ghanaian listed manufacturing firms2013/12/1310
The impact of financial inclusion on monetary policy in Nigeria2013/11/308
Health care expenditure, health status and national productivity in Nigeria (1999-2012)2013/10/313
Finance and economic growth nexus: Complementarity and substitutability between the banking sector and financial markets in Africa, using South Africa as a case12013/10/313
Public expenditure and economic growth nexus: Further evidence from Nigeria2013/07/313
The role of foreign aid in reducing poverty: Time series evidence from Ethiopia2015/03/313
Market opening and economic growth in Nigeria2020/01/312
Market reaction to chief executive officers (CEOs) appointments on Johannesburg securities exchange (JSE): stock price and volume approach2014/05/312
Oil price volatility and economic development: Stylized evidence in Nigeria2014/06/302
A contribution to the theory of economic growth: Old and New2014/03/312
Impact of motivation on employees performance: A case study of CreditWest Bank Cyprus2013/08/312
Exports, domestic demand and economic growth in Ethiopia: Granger causality analysis2013/12/132
Corporate disclosure, transparency and firms cash holdings: Evidence from the Emerging capital market of Ghana2013/07/312
Determinants of financial performance of a firm: Case of Pakistani stock market2013/05/312
Sources of real exchange rate volatility in the Ghanaian economy2013/09/302
Stock returns, inflation and interest rate In Nigeria2021/07/312
Assessment of the relationship between leverage and performance: An empirical study of unlisted banks in Ghana2018/10/312
Effects of credit constraints on the productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon2015/09/302
Relative consequences due to absence of corporate governance in nationalized and private commercial banks in Bangladesh2015/02/282
Savings, investment and economic growth in Lesotho: An empirical analysis2015/10/311
The export-diversifying effect of foreign direct investment in the CEMAC Region2015/07/311
Human resource development as a correlate of performance of the banking industry in Ogun State, Nigeria2015/05/311
Mean-Gini portfolio selection: Forecasting VaR using GARCH models in Moroccan financial market2015/03/311
The effect of real effective exchange rate on balance of payments in Ethiopia: A co-integrated VAR approach2018/12/311
Impact of credit risk on corporate financial performance: Evidence from listed banks on the Ghana stock exchange2019/01/311
Industrıal sector energy consumptıon ın Turkey- the relatıonshıp between economıc growth (1970-2010)2012/01/221
The Inflation-Stock market returns Nexus: Evidence from the Ghana Stock Exchange2014/02/281
Social and financial performance of microfinance institutions: Is there a trade-off?2012/02/221
The economic effects of Chinese foreign aid2020/10/311
Impact of globalization on work ethics: A review of existing literature2021/07/311