Engineering Geology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Highway stormwater runoff in karst areas — preliminary results of baseline monitoring and design of a treatment system for a sinkhole in Knoxville, Tennessee1999/03/01English
Landslide evolution around Mt Campastrino (Northern Apennines, Italy): a complex and composite gravitational movement1997/09/01English
Stone in Architecture: Properties and Durability2000/03/01English
Remediation and monitoring of a highway across an active landslide at Trevor, North Wales2001/04/01English
Mechanism of creep movement caused by landslide activity and underground erosion in crystalline schist, Shikoku Island, southwestern Japan1999/07/01English
1994 Seattle symposium reveals complexity and value of military geology1996/10/01English
Detection and hydrologic modeling of aquifers in unconsolidated alluvial plains through combination of borehole data sets: a case study of the Arao area, Southwest Japan2001/12/01English
Centrifuge modelling of capillary rise2001/06/01English
Investigation of the behaviour of bentonite by means of suction-controlled oedometer tests1999/09/01English
An assessment of miniaturised electrical imaging equipment to monitor pollution plume evolution in scaled centrifuge modelling2001/06/01English
Use of seismic microzoning for risk management in Quito, Ecuador1997/03/01English
Correlation between dredgeability and mechanical properties of rock1997/09/01English
Thermoelastic stress due to a rectangular heat source in a semi-infinite medium. Presentation of an analytical solution1998/04/01English
Porewater chemistry in compacted bentonite1999/09/01English
A comparative study of slope stability methods and mitigative design of a highway embankment landslide with a potential for deep seated sliding1997/08/01English
Full length article1998/11/01English
Shallow landslides in deeply weathered slates of the Sierra de Collcerola (Catalonian Coastal Range, Spain)1998/10/01English
Strategic ground water management for the reduction of karst land collapse hazard in Tangshan, China1997/11/01English
Introduction to the special issue on geosciences and nuclear waste isolation2001/08/01English
Expansive characteristics of gypsiferous/anhydritic soil formations1998/12/01English
New proposal to assess the seismic stability of shallow underground cavities in soft intact rocks2024/02/01English
Formation and distribution of landslides controlled by thrust-strike-slip fault zones and fluvial erosion in the Western Qinling Mountains, China2023/09/01English
A novel voxel-particle energy approach to predict 3D microscopic fracture surface of porous geomaterials and fracture permeability modeling2023/09/01English
A Pareto–Poisson process model for intermittent debris flow surges developing from slope failures2023/03/01English
Estimation of shear strength parameters of intact limestones using miniature triaxial test2024/05/01English
Editorial Board2024/05/01English
Practical considerations for using petrophysics and geoelectrical methods on clay rich landslides2024/05/01English
Experimental investigation of the intensity and conditions for strainburst triggering in intact hard rocks2024/05/01English
Determination of damage evolution characteristics in granite residual soil shear bands by micro-CT-based advanced digital volume correlation2024/05/01English