Engineering Geology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
How to combine deterministic and probabilistic methods for assessing earthquake hazards2003/10/01English
Editorial Board2003/10/01English
Encompassing hydrogeology, environmental geology and the applied geosciences2003/10/01English
Why publish in this journal?2003/10/01English
Editorial Board1996/12/01English
Editorial Board1996/01/01English
Modeling uncertainty in stability analysis for design of embankment dams on difficult foundations2004/02/01English
Contribution of anaerobic microbial activity to natural attenuation of benzene in groundwater2003/11/01English
Microzonation for earthquake hazards: Yenişehir settlement, Bursa, Turkey2003/10/01English
Geotechnical and geoenvironmental characteristics of man-made underground structures in Cappadocia, Turkey2003/06/01English
Field investigation into the biodegradation of TCE and BTEX at a former metal plating works2003/11/01English
Subject Index Volume 69, 20032003/06/01English
Measurement of evaporation from saline tailings storages2003/11/01English
Contents Volume 69, 20032003/06/01English
Digital model of corrected accumulated flow for peak discharge data acquisition and drainage system design2003/06/01English
Author Index Volume 69, 20032003/06/01English
An experimental study on ionic migration through saturated kaolin2003/11/01English
SRC rock mass classification of tunnels under high tectonic stress excavated in weak rocks2003/06/01English
Mass movements in tropical volcanic terrains: the case of Teziutlán (México)2003/06/01English
A new and defective regulation in California for protecting critical buildings from earthquakes2003/06/01English
A field trial for in-situ bioremediation of 1,2-DCA2003/11/01English
Erratum to “7th annual report on the international status of engineering geology—year 2001. Encompassing hydrogeology, environmental geology and the applied geosciences” [Eng. Geol. 65 (2002) 47–49]2003/06/01English
Centrifuge simulation of the consolidation characteristics of capped marine sediment beds2003/11/01English
Editorial Board2004/07/01English
Editorial Board2004/12/01English
Editorial Board1996/08/01English