High Energy Density Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editorial Board2005/12/01English
Editorial Board2007/05/01English
Index of author and papers2007/05/01English
New insights into astrophysical jets with the atacama large millimeter array and the Karl G. Jansky very large array2013/03/01English
Index of authors and papers to Volume 32007/10/01English
Index of authors and papers to Volume 62010/12/01English
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board2010/12/01English
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board2011/03/01English
Editorial Board2011/03/01English
Bloch–Maxwell treatment of amplification of high harmonic seed in soft x-ray laser amplifiers in both direct and chirped amplifications2011/12/01English
Laser experiments to simulate coronal mass ejection driven magnetospheres and astrophysical plasma winds on compact magnetized stars2010/06/01English
A method to probe Rosseland and Planck mean opacities with high-order harmonics2011/03/01English
Editorial Board2008/04/01English
Electrical conductivity of a boron plasma through the OCP crystallization2009/06/01English
Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board2011/09/01English
Thin foil transformation into liquid droplets due to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in NDCX-1 experiments2011/12/01English
Editorial Board2022/03/01English
Stimulated Raman side and backscatter instabilities of crossed laser beams in plasma2023/09/01English
Editorial Board2023/06/01English
Non-equilibrium dissociation rate coefficient of O2+O2 collision at high temperatures2023/03/01English
Time-dependent modeling of photoionization wave propagation in nitrogen2022/12/01English
X-ray diffraction measurements of ramp-compressed tin2022/06/01English
Editorial Board2022/09/01English
Classical Molecular dynamic codes for hot dense plasmas: The BinGo code suite2024/03/01English
Screening and relativistic effects on the stark broadening of hydrogenic ion lines in a plasma2023/03/01English
The STAG code: A fully relativistic super transition array calculation using Green’s functions2024/03/01English
Editorial Board2023/12/01English
Editorial Board2021/08/01English
Dependence of diameter on flow velocity of liquid metal jet for repeatable pulse powered plasma sources2020/08/01English
Control of ordinary and extraordinary waves excitation by an axial magnetic field in motional plasma2020/08/01English