a/b: Auto/Biography Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
From the Miniature to the Momentous: Writing Lives through Ecobiography2020/01/02English5
Testimony and the Subjects of AIDS Memoirs1998/01/01English5
Life Writing and the Poetics of List-Making: On the Manifestations, Effects, and Possible Uses of Lists in Life Writing2020/11/12English4
“Do the Write Thing”: Writing Schizophrenia in Singapore2020/08/10English4
Lists in Life Writing: The List as a Means to Visualize the Trace of the Absent2019/05/04English4
From the Autobiographical Pact to the Zoetrophic Pack2019/09/02English4
Narrating Fukushima: The Genre of “Notes” as a Literary Response to the 3|11 Triple Disaster in Hideo Furukawa’s Horses, Horses, in the End the Light Remains Pure (2011) and Michaël Ferrier’s Fukushima: Récit d’un désastre (2012)2021/05/04English4
Life: Writing and Rights in the Anthropocene2020/01/02English4
Becoming Culturally (Un)intelligible: Exploring the Terrain of Trans Life Writing2018/12/20English4
The Function of Illness and Disability in Three Victorian Autobiographies1991/01/01English4
The Rise of the Biographical Novel and the Fall of the Historical Novel2015/12/08English4
Coming to Life: Teaching Undergraduates to Write Autobiography2016/08/18English4
Reading Digitized Diaries: Privacy and the Digital Life-Writing Archive2017/11/09English4
The Futures of Biofiction Studies2017/04/25English4
The Autohagiographical Tradition in Medieval Women's Devotional Writing1991/01/01English4
Gender Degree Zero: Memoirs of Frozen Time in Antarctica1999/01/01English4
Other Tongues: A Study of Bama'sKarukkuandSangati2015/07/03English4
Devouring Time Finds Paper Toughish: What's Happened to Handwritten Letters in the Twenty-First Century?2006/01/01English4
One Day at a Time: The Diary as Lifewriting1995/01/01English4
Disciplining the Child: Recent British Academic Memoir2004/01/01English4
Filming the Ineffable: Biopics of the British Royal Family2009/01/01English4
The Impact of Critical Theory on the Study of Autobiography: Marginality, Gender, and Autobiographical Practice1987/01/01English4
Introduction: Discursive Contexts, “Voice,” and Empathy in Graphic Life Narratives of Migration and Exile2020/05/03English4
Cultural Contact and the Contemporary Culinary Memoir: Home, Memory and Identity in Madhur Jaffrey and Diana Abu-Jaber2009/01/01English4
A Palinode on Photography and the Transsexual Real1999/01/01English4
Introduction: Adoption Life Writing: Origins and Other Ghosts2003/01/01English4
The Feminine Mystique of Individualism is Powerful: Two American Feminist Memoirs in Postfeminist Times2008/01/01English4
Biographic Mediation2017/04/25English3