Ethology and Sociobiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Infanticide among animals: A review, classification, and examination of the implications for the reproductive strategies of females1979/10/01English735
Male sexual jealousy1982/01/01English469
Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture, part II1989/01/01English438
From vigilance to violence1988/09/01English347
Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture, part I1989/01/01English340
Fear and fitness: An evolutionary analysis of anxiety disorders1994/09/01English281
A critique of Darwinian anthropology1989/01/01English267
The Hunter-Gatherer theory of spatial sex differences: Proximate factors mediating the female advantage in recall of object arrays1994/03/01English249
Human rape: An evolutionary analysis1983/01/01English236
Facial attractiveness, developmental stability, and fluctuating asymmetry1994/03/01English226
Pathogen prevalence and human mate preferences1993/03/01English213
The evolutionary psychology of physical attractiveness: Sexual selection and human morphology1995/09/01English211
Did throwing stones shape hominid brain evolution?1982/01/01English208
The meaning of assortative mating1983/01/01English204
Mate selection criteria1989/04/01English180
Human assortative mating and genetic equilibrium: An evolutionary perspective1980/04/01English179
Prestige and reproductive success in man1984/01/01English175
Animal cultures and a general theory of cultural evolution1980/09/01English175
Body weight, waist-to-hip ratio, breasts, and hips: Role in judgments of female attractiveness and desirability for relationships1995/11/01English171
Paternal confidence and paternal investment: A cross cultural test of a sociobiological hypothesis1980/12/01English167
Mechanisms of social reciprocity in three primate species: Symmetrical relationship characteristics or cognition?1988/07/01English161
Forcible rape: An evolutionary perspective1983/01/01English159
The reproductive success of wealthy Americans1984/01/01English155
Those who can do: Wealth, status, and reproductive success on Ifaluk1985/01/01English152
Mate guarding in a Caribbean village1988/01/01English151
Child abuse and other risks of not living with both parents1985/01/01English150
Whom are newborn babies said to resemble?1982/01/01English140
Foraging decisions among Aché hunter-gatherers: New data and implications for optimal foraging models1987/01/01English137
Adaptiveness and adaptation1990/07/01English133
Influence of wording and framing effects on moral intuitions1996/05/01English131