British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The role of comparative genomic hybridisation in prenatal diagnosis2001/06/01English
Anxiety levels in women attending colposcopy clinics for treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a randomised trial of written and video information2001/05/01English
The association between maternal HIV-1 infection and pregnancy outcomes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania2001/11/01English
Editor's Choice2001/03/01English
The use of intrapartum defibulation in women with female genital mutilation2001/09/01English
Does the increased risk of preterm delivery in teenagers persist in pregnancies after the teenage period?2001/07/01English
Medical education with the Internet: a pilot training programme in reproductive medicine2001/01/01English
Prevalence and features of pancreatic islet cell autoimmunity in women with gestational diabetes from different ethnic groups2001/07/01English
Familial Mediterranean fever and menstruation2001/04/01English
Changes in the vaginal flora after two percent clindamycin vaginal cream in women at high risk of spontaneous preterm birth2001/07/01English
Maternal plasma glucose at high altitude2001/03/01English
Vault prolapse and rectocele assessment of repair using sacrocolpopexy with mesh interposition2001/07/01English
Evaluating ambulatory urodynamics: a prospective study in asymptomatic women2001/01/01English
Use of enoxaparin in a pregnant woman with a mechanical heart valve prosthesis2001/07/01English
Maternal pyridoxine non-responsive homocystinuria: the role of dietary treatment and anticoagulation2001/04/01English
Comparison of cervical vacuum cup cannula with metal cannula for hysterosalpingography2001/10/01English
Abstracts presented at the Scientific Meeting, Portsmouth, 10th and 11th November 20002001/05/01English
Vulval lichen planus: progression of pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia to invasive vulval carcinomas2001/06/01English
Maternal carriership of factor V Leiden associated with pathological uterine artery Doppler measurements during pregnancy2001/10/01English
Editor's Choice2001/11/01English
Gilbert's syndrome is not associated with HELLP syndrome2001/09/01English
Prenatal management of women who have partial Rh (D) antigen2001/09/01English
Vaginal microbiological flora, and behavioural and clinical findings in women with vulvar pain2001/05/01English
Screening with a uterine Doppler in low risk pregnant women followed by low dose aspirin in women with abnormal results: a multicenter randomised controlled trial2001/05/01English
A randomised controlled trial of antibiotic prophylaxis in elective caesarean delivery2001/02/01English
Editor's Choice2001/09/01English
Fasciitis: a rare complication of Burch colposuspension2001/02/01English
The accuracy of lamellar body count and lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio in the prediction of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: a meta-analysis2001/06/01English
Accidental delivery through a vaginal incision (laparoelytrotomy) during caesarean section in the second stage of labour2001/06/01English
Prenatal hypoxic ischaemic-encephalopathy leading to microcephaly in a sickle cell pregnancy with recovery from a ‘terminal CTG’2001/02/01English