Behavioral Ecology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Major histocompatibility complex genes, symmetry, and body scent attractiveness in men and women2003/09/01English203
The cost of dispersal: predation as a function of movement and site familiarity in ruffed grouse2004/05/01English202
The definition of eusociality1995/01/01English201
The relation between dominance and exploratory behavior is context-dependent in wild great tits2004/11/01English200
Foraging behavior of egg parasitoids exploiting chemical information2008/01/01English198
Boldness and behavioral syndromes in the bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus2009/01/01English195
Effects of predation risk on group size, vigilance, and foraging behavior in an African ungulate community2014/04/06English194
Avoiding the misuse of BLUP in behavioural ecology2017/03/02English193
Measuring variation in cognition2014/06/03English191
Grooming and agonistic support: a meta-analysis of primate reciprocal altruism2006/10/03English189
Confidence intervals are a more useful complement to nonsignificant tests than are power calculations2003/05/01189
Behavioral correlations across breeding contexts provide a mechanism for a cost of aggression2006/08/22English189
The optimal allocation of time during the diving cycle1992/01/01English188
Context dependence of personalities: risk-taking behavior in a social and a nonsocial situation2005/04/13English187
Structural and melanin coloration indicate parental effort and reproductive success in male eastern bluebirds2003/11/01English185
Effects of testosterone on cell-mediated and humoral immunity in non-breeding adult European starlings2000/11/01English185
Protein content of diets dictates the daily energy intake of a free-ranging primate2009/01/01English184
Integrating animal behavior and conservation biology: a conceptual framework2011/02/08English184
Predator preference for brightly colored males in the guppy: a viability cost for a sexually selected trait2003/03/01184
The costs of copulating in the dung fly Sepsis cynipsea2002/05/01183
Negotiation over offspring care—how should parents respond to each other's efforts?2006/07/13English182
Dying young and living fast: variation in life history across English neighborhoods2010/01/01English182
Begging, food provisioning, and nestling competition in great tit broods infested with ectoparasites1996/01/01English182
Living with the enemy: avoidance of hyenas and lions by cheetahs in the Serengeti2000/11/01English181
Rejection of cuckoo eggs in relation to host age: a possible evolutionary equilibrium1992/01/01English179
Maternally derived androgens and antioxidants in bird eggs: complementary but opposing effects?2001/07/01178
Hatchery selection promotes boldness in newly hatched brown trout (Salmo trutta): implications for dominance2004/03/01English168
Female mate copying in the guppy {Poecilia reticulata): age-dependent effects1993/01/01English167
When to come out from a refuge: risk-sensitive and state-dependent decisions in an alpine lizard1999/09/01167