Ancient Philosophy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Impiety of Socrates1997/01/016
Can Epicureans Be Friends?2004/01/016
Menaechmus versus the Platonists1983/01/016
Are Plato’s Soul-Parts Psychological Subjects?2009/01/016
Courage, Confidence, and Wisdom in the Protagoras1985/01/016
The Political Intention of Aristotle’s Moral Philosophy1985/01/016
A Return to the Theory of the Verb be and the Concept of Being2004/01/016
Aristotle on the Priority of Actuality in Substance1999/01/016
Sextus Empiricus on the Goal of Skepticism2006/01/016
Socrates as Hoplite2005/01/016
The Double Explanation in the Timaeus1985/01/016
Stoic Epistemology and the Limits of Externalism2005/01/016
Eros and Necessity in the Ascent from the Cave2008/01/01German6
What is a Perfect Syllogism in Aristotelian Syllogistic?2015/01/016
Is Pyrrhonism Psychologically Possible?2002/01/016
Megaric Metaphysics2012/01/016
What the Dialectician Discerns2016/01/016
Unity and Logos1992/01/015
Pyrrho on the Criterion1998/01/015
An Aristotelian Theory of Consciousness?1981/01/015
The Language Game in Plato’s Parmenides2000/01/015
Ancient Thought Experiments2005/01/015
Fast and Loose about Being2004/01/015
The Snub1984/01/015
Aristotle on the Desirability of Friends2004/01/015
Aristotle on Responsibility for Action and Character1989/01/01German5
Hedonism in the Protagoras and the Sophist’s Guarantee1990/01/015
On the Alleged Incorporeality of What Is in Melissus2003/01/015
Προαίρεσις in Epictetus1991/01/015