Ancient Philosophy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Index Locorum1994/01/01
The Problem of Dialectical Reasoning (Συλλογισμόϛ) in Aristotle1994/01/01
Aristotle’s Completeness Proof1994/01/01
Marcus Aurelius. A Guide for the Perplexed, by William O. Stephens2014/01/01
Aristotle on Practical Wisdom: Nicomachean Ethics VI. Translated with an Introduction, Analysis, and Commentary by C.D.C. Reeve2014/01/01
Aristotle on the Apparent Good, Perception, Phantasia, Thought, and Desire, by Jessica Moss2014/01/01
Plato and Pythagoreanism, by Phillip Sidney Horky2014/01/01
Aristotle’s Ethics and Moral Responsibility, by Javier Echenique2014/01/01
Plato, Aristotle, and the Purpose of Politics, by Kevin M. Cherry2014/01/01
The Powers of Aristotle’s Soul, by Thomas Kjeller Johansen2014/01/01
Aristotle and Plotinus on Intellect. Monism and Dualism Revisited, by Mark J. Nyvlt2014/01/01
Zeno’s Puzzle in Plato’s Parmenides2014/01/01
Philosophos: Plato’s Missing Dialogue, by Mary Louise Gill2014/01/01
The Image of the Jars in Plato’s Gorgias2014/01/01
Pleasure in Ancient Greek Philosophy, by David Wolfsdorf2014/01/01
Plotinus Ennead IV.8. Translation, Introduction, Commentary, by Barrie Fleet2014/01/01
Blindness and Reorientation. Problems in Plato’s Republic, by C.D.C. Reeve2014/01/01
Anaximander: A Re-Assessment2017/01/01
The Rhetoric of Plato’s Republic: Democracy and the Philosophical Problem of Persuasion2017/01/01
Socrates among Strangers2017/01/01
Plato on the Metaphysical Foundation of Meaning and Truth2017/01/01
The ‘Enneads’ of Plotinus: a Commentary. Volume I2017/01/01
The Bounds of Experience2017/01/01
Xenophon and the Socratic Elenchos2017/01/01
Aristotle on Knowledge and Learning: the Posterior Analytics2017/01/01
Aristotle’s Categories in the Early Roman Empire2017/01/01
Deontos: Reconstruction and Reading of Heraclitus’ B1 and B22017/01/01
Aristotle on Female Animals: A Study of the Generation of Animals2017/01/01
Plato’s Bedroom: Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love2017/01/01
Plotinus and Epicurus: Matter, Perception, Pleasure2017/01/01