Journal of Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
How dual-message nature documentaries that portray nature as amazing and threatened affect entertainment experiences and pro-environmental intentions2024/01/24English
Exploring how cultural and structural elements relate to communal coping for separated Latina/o/x immigrant families2023/01/18English
The concept of normalization in the production of LGBTIQ+ media imaginaries: the scriptwriters’ conceptions2024/04/17English
Race, Media and the Crisis of Civil Society. By Ronald N. Jacobs. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000. 189 pp. $59.95 (hard)2002/06/01
Review and criticism1998/06/01
Disaffected Democracies: What's Troubling the Trilateral Countries? Edited by Susan J. Pharr & Robert D. Putnam. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000. xxvi + 362 pp. $67.50 (hard), $19.95 (soft)2002/06/01
Book reviews1999/03/01
Book reviews2000/06/01
Shifting Narratives: Representation and Mediation of the Balkan Conflicts2001/12/01
Editorial Consultants Acknowledged2001/12/01
Advanced Categorical Statistics: Issues and Applications in Communication Research2002/01/01
Gay readers, consumers, and a dominant gay habitus: 25 years of the Advocate magazine2001/03/01
Looking for Meaning in All the Wrong Places: Why Negative Advertising Is a Suspect Category2001/12/01
Media Use and Perceptions of Welfare2001/12/01
From Private to Public: Reexamining the Technological Basis for Copyright2002/06/01
Regulatory reform in the broadcasting industries of Brazil and Argentina in the 1990s2000/12/01
Book reviews2001/03/01
Perceptions of communicative control strategies in mother-daughter dyads across the life span2000/09/01
Using the parallel process model to prevent firearm injury and death: field experiment results of a video-based intervention2000/12/01
Burger on Miller: Obscene Effects and the Filth of a Nation2002/01/01
Democracy and the Media: A Comparative Perspective. Edited by Richard Gunther & Anthony Mughan. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. 496 pp. $85.00 (hard), $30.00 (soft)2002/06/01
Review essay. The political consequences of the commercialization of culture1998/12/01
Flophouse: Life on the Bowery. By David Isay & Stacy Abramson, photographs by Harvey Wang. New York: Random House, 2000. 154 pp., 56 illustrations. $24.95 (hard). Photography in Boston: 1955-1985. Edited by Rachel Rosenfield Lafo & Gillian Nagler. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. 194 pp., $30.00 (hard). Kodak and the Lens of Nostalgia. By Nancy Martha West. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2000. 242 pp., $55.00 (hard), $16.95 (soft)2001/12/01
Handbook of the Media in Asia. Edited by Shelton A. Gunaratne. New Delhi, India: Sage, 2000. x + 722 pp. $79.95 (hard)2002/06/01
Worlds in Common?: Television Discourse in Changing Europe. By Kay Richardson & Ulrike H. Meinhof. New York: Routledge, 1999. vii + 197 pp. $85.00 (hard), $27.95 (soft).2001/12/01
Review essay. Shifting sands: women, men, and communication1999/03/01
Networking the World, 1794-2000. By Armand Mattelart (L. Carey-Libbrecht & J. A. Cohen, Trans.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000. 160 pp. $42.95 (hard), $16.95 (soft).2001/12/01
Hollywood Planet: Global Media and the Competitive Advantage of Narrative Transparency. By Scott Robert Olson. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1999. xiv + 215 pp. $45.00 (hard), $24.50 (soft).2001/09/01
Processing Politics: Learning From Television in the Internet Age. By Doris Graber. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001. 232 pp. $40.00 (hard), $16.00 (soft)2002/06/01
Response to “Gender Diversity at Academic Conferences—The Case of the International Communication Association (ICA)”2023/12/01English