Journal of Engineering Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Regular wave impact onto an elastic plate2006/07/14English53
Hemodynamics in normal cerebral arteries: qualitative comparison of 4D phase-contrast magnetic resonance and image-based computational fluid dynamics2009/01/23English52
Gravity wave interaction with porous structures in two-layer fluid2013/10/10English52
Middle-field formulation for the computation of wave-drift loads2006/09/27English50
Numerical analysis of the impact of two droplets with a liquid film using an incompressible SPH method2013/05/15English50
Acoustic scattering at a hard–soft lining transition in a flow duct2007/09/27English49
A 3D/1D geometrical multiscale model of cerebral vasculature2009/03/18English48
Effect of surface slip on Stokes flow past a spherical particle in infinite fluid and near a plane wall2007/08/04English48
Joule-heating effects in mixed electroosmotic and pressure-driven microflows under constant wall heat flux2005/11/16English46
A 3D numerical model for computing non-breaking wave forces on slender piles2006/11/24English46
On Helmholtz and higher-order resonance of twin floating bodies2007/01/16English46
Waves Past Porous Structures in a Two-layer Fluid2005/08/01English46
Slip flow and heat transfer over a specific wedge: an exactly solvable Falkner–Skan equation2014/12/30English46
A comparison of slip, disjoining pressure, and interface formation models for contact line motion through asymptotic analysis of thin two-dimensional droplet spreading2014/08/30English46
Wave dynamics on a thin-liquid film falling down a heated wall2004/11/01English44
A nonlinear magnetoelastic tube under extension and inflation in an axial magnetic field: numerical solution2006/09/28English44
Tsunamis and acoustic-gravity waves from underwater earthquakes2009/09/16English44
Nodal DG-FEM solution of high-order Boussinesq-type equations2006/10/11English43
Fiber-reinforced hyperelastic solids: a realizable homogenization constitutive theory2010/01/08English43
Approximate mathematical models in high-speed hydrodynamics2006/07/26English43
Invariance and first integrals of continuous and discrete Hamiltonian equations2009/07/24English42
Regularization of inverse heat conduction by combination of rate sensor analysis and analytic continuation2006/11/24English41
Local integro-differential equations with domain elements for the numerical solution of partial differential equations with variable coefficients2005/03/01English41
A comparison study of the Boussinesq and the variable density models on buoyancy-driven flows2011/10/07English40
Water distribution under trickle irrigation predicted using artificial neural networks2009/03/25English40
Oblique flexural gravity-wave scattering due to changes in bottom topography2009/06/02English40
The influence of gravity on the performance of planing vessels in calm water2006/12/19English39
Second-order Wagner theory of wave impact2006/11/24English39
Subcritical and supercritical bifurcations of the first- and second-order Benney equations2004/11/01English39
The Rayleigh–Taylor instability for inviscid and viscous fluids2009/03/22English38