Hokkaido Mathematical Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Systems of equations of hyperbolic-parabolic type with applications to the discrete Boltzmann equation1985/02/01220
On the equations rot v=g and div u=f with zero boundary conditions1990/02/01149
Contact surgery and symplectic handlebodies1991/02/0198
Anisotropic motion by mean curvature in the context of Finsler geometry1996/02/0187
Coefficient inequalities for $q$-starlike functions associated with the Janowski functions2019/06/0187
CIRR: a Rayleigh-Ritz type method with contour integral for generalized eigenvalue problems2007/11/0164
Lifting modules, extending modules and their applications to \textit{QF}-rings1984/02/0164
On the equivalence problems associated with simple graded Lie algebras1979/02/0163
Boundedness of minimizers1990/06/0158
STRONGLY $\pi$-REGULAR RINGS1954/01/0158
Parabolic geometries and canonical Cartan connections2000/02/0157
Maximal surfaces with singularities in Minkowski space2006/02/0153
On the global existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions of reaction-diffusion equations1983/10/0152
A generalization of starlike functions of order alpha2017/02/0150
On the new sequence spaces which include the spaces $c_{0}$ and $c$2004/08/0145
Geometric structures on filtered manifolds1993/10/0143
Sharp estimates of the modified Hardy Littlewood maximal operator on the nonhomogeneous space via covering lemmas2005/06/0142
Splitting iteration methods for non-Hermitian positive definite systems of linear equations2007/11/0142
The Euler limit and initial layer of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation1983/10/0140
A discrete analogue of the inequality of Lyapunov1983/02/0139
$L^p-L^q$ estimate for wave equation with bounded time dependent coefficient2005/10/0139
Self-dual codes over rings and the Chinese remainder theorem1999/02/0136
Boundedness of rough singular integral operatorson the homogeneous Morrey-Herz spaces2005/06/0136
Über die Maximalbedingung für radikalvolle Untermoduln1988/02/0135
On some generalized difference sequence spaces and related matrix transformations1997/02/0132
Module correspondence in finite groups1981/02/0132
On oblique derivative problems for fully nonlinear second-order elliptic PDE's on domains with corners1991/02/0131
Analytic wavefront sets and operators with multiple characteristics1983/10/0131
The wave equation for the $p$-Laplacian2007/02/0130