Energy Conversion and Management: X

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Green synthesis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural through non-catalytic conversion of glucose in a microreactor2021/12/01English2
Comparison of mono and bifacial modules for building integration and electric vehicle charging: A case study in Sweden2023/10/01English2
Optimization and thermo-economic performance of a solar-powered vapor absorption cooling system integrated with sensible thermal energy storage2023/10/01English2
Exergy-Optimum coupling of radiant panels with heat pumps for minimum CO2 emission responsibility2023/10/01English2
Techno-economic feasibility and exergy analysis of bioethanol production from waste2023/04/01English2
A high-performance electromagnetic vibration energy harvester based on ring magnets with Halbach configuration2022/12/01English2
Sustainable prime movers selection for biogas-based combined heat and power for a community microgrid: A hybrid fuzzy multi criteria decision-making approach with consolidated ranking strategies2022/12/01English2
Thermal and exergy analysis of Pin-finned heatsinks for nanofluid cooled high concentrated photovoltaic thermal (HCPV/T) hybrid systems2022/12/01English2
Analysis of partial heating supercritical CO2 cycles bottoming small-power gas turbine units2023/01/01English2
Integration of gas switching combustion and membrane reactors for exceeding 50% efficiency in flexible IGCC plants with near-zero CO2 emissions2020/09/01English2
The potential for photovoltaic-powered pumped-hydro systems to reduce emissions, costs, and energy insecurity in rural China2021/09/01English2
An evaluation of the synergy between the wave and wind energy along the west Iberian nearshore2023/10/01English2
Multi-objective optimization and analysis of chemical kinetics properties: Exploring the impact of different hydrogen blending ratios on LPG and methane-air mixtures2024/04/01English2
Experimental and theoretical analysis of a micro-cogenerative solar ORC-based unit equipped with a variable speed sliding rotary vane expander2023/10/01English2
Valuable oil recovery from plastic wastes via pressurized thermal and catalytic pyrolysis2023/10/01English2
An efficient analytical approach for forecasting the peak power of PV panels working in outdoor conditions based on explicit model2023/10/01English2
Conversion and performance evaluation of petrol engine to electric powered three-wheeler vehicle with an onboard solar charging system2023/10/01English2
Comparison of decision tree based ensemble methods for prediction of photovoltaic maximum current2022/12/01English2
Energy conversion of biogas from livestock manure to electricity energy using a Stirling engine2022/08/01English2
Investigation on yield, fuel properties, ageing and low temperature flow of fish oil esters2022/05/01English2
Thermodynamic assessment of a triple cascade refrigeration system utilizing hydrocarbon refrigerants for ultra-low temperature applications2022/05/01English2
A comprehensive study of Fin-Assisted horizontal ground heat exchanger for enhancing the heat transfer performance2023/04/01English2
Techno-economic analysis and dynamic power simulation of a hybrid solar-wind-battery-flywheel system for off-grid power supply in remote areas in Kenya2023/04/01English2
Compatibility assessment of TEGs arrangement coupled with DC/DC converter to harvest electricity from low-temperature heat sources2023/04/01English2
A techno-economic assessment of biomethane and bioethanol production from crude glycerol through integrated hydrothermal gasification, syngas fermentation and biomethanation2021/12/01English2
Engine performance and emissions from fuels containing nitrogen and sulphur2022/05/01English2
On the tuning and performance of Stand-Alone Large-Power PV irrigation systems2022/01/01English2
Real-time driving cycle measurements of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of a bi-fuel LPG-gasoline motorcycle2021/12/01English2
Performance analysis for binary mixtures based on R245fa using in high temperature heat pumps2021/12/01English2
Heat exchanger networks synthesis considering the rigorous equipment design and distinct parameters for capital cost estimation2021/09/01English2