Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A robust VVC video encryption scheme based on the dynamical chaotification model2023/10/01English
AuSR3: A new block mapping technique for image authentication and self-recovery to avoid the tamper coincidence problem2023/10/01English
Estimating the relative importance of nodes in complex networks based on network embedding and gravity model2023/10/01English
Rethinking interactive networks and regression loss functions for industrial defect detection2023/10/01English
Development of abnormal facial temperature detection technology using thermal imaging to prevent the spread of infectious diseases2023/10/01English
Leveraging artificial intelligence and mutual authentication to optimize content caching in edge data centers2023/10/01English
Factor-bridging algorithm for the prediction of job satisfaction: Developing country perspective2023/10/01English
An efficient encryption method for smart grid data based on improved CBC mode2023/10/01English
One for all: Efficient verifiable dynamic multi-user searchable encryption in the presence of corrupted users2023/09/01English
Fuzzy-based Misbehavior Detection for Internet of Things in Multi-access Edge Computing Environment2023/09/01English
DAQAS: Deep Arabic Question Answering System based on duplicate question detection and machine reading comprehension2023/09/01English
JINDEX: JSON and index search system for plant germplasm database2023/09/01English
A greedy perimeter stateless routing method based on a position prediction mechanism for flying ad hoc networks2023/09/01English
Unsupervised statistical image segmentation using bi-dimensional hidden Markov chains model with application to mammography images2023/10/01English
Combining reinforcement learning method to enhance LEDBAT++ over diversified network environments2023/10/01English
Multimodal medical image fusion towards future research: A review2023/09/01English
SWEP-RF: Accuracy sliding window-based ensemble pruning method for latent sector error prediction in cloud storage computing2023/09/01English
Vector relation acquisition and scene knowledge for solving arithmetic word problems2023/09/01English
Highly efficient secure linear algebra for private machine learning classifications over malicious clients in the post-quantum world2023/10/01English
An adversarial training method for text classification2023/09/01English
LWED: Lightweight white-box encryption communication system for drones over CARX algorithm2023/10/01English
Integrating users’ long-term and short-term interests with knowledge graph to improve restaurant recommendation2023/10/01English
Improved wireless sensor network data collection using discrete differential evolution and ant colony optimization2023/09/01English
Face recognition using ensemble statistical local descriptors2023/10/01English
Discovering Lin-Kernighan-Helsgaun heuristic for routing optimization using self-supervised reinforcement learning2023/09/01English
Towards a semantic structure for classifying IoT agriculture sensor datasets : An approach based on machine learning and web semantic technologies2023/09/01English
Lightweight multi-level feature difference fusion network for RGB-D-T salient object detection2023/09/01English
FRRW: A feature extraction-based robust and reversible watermarking scheme utilizing zernike moments and histogram shifting2023/09/01English
DR-SISM: A dual reversible secret image sharing mechanism2023/09/01English
A novel recurrent convolutional network based on grid correlation modeling for crowd flow prediction2023/09/01English