Journal of Geometry and Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Integrable generalizations of Schrödinger maps and Heisenberg spin models from Hamiltonian flows of curves and surfaces2010/10/01English45
The Plancherel measure for p-forms in real hyperbolic spaces1994/12/01English45
The Ricci tensor of SU(3)-manifolds2007/03/01English45
Generalized volume conjecture and the A-polynomials: The Neumann–Zagier potential function as a classical limit of the partition function2007/08/01English45
Leibniz algebroids, twistings and exceptional generalized geometry2012/05/01English45
Approximately J∗-homomorphisms: A fixed point approach2010/05/01English44
Lie algebroid morphisms, Poisson sigma models, and off-shell closed gauge symmetries2005/08/01English44
On the category of Lie n-algebroids2013/11/01English43
Hamiltonian operators and ℓ-coverings2004/04/01English43
A Lagrangian variational formulation for nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Part I: Discrete systems2017/01/01English43
On integrability of the higher dimensional time fractional KdV-type equation2021/02/01English43
On Drinfeld’s second realization of the AdS/CFT su(2|2) Yangian2009/04/01English43
Tensor product multiplicities and convex polytopes in partition space1988/01/01English42
A matrix model for simple Hurwitz numbers, and topological recursion2011/02/01English42
*-Ricci solitons of real hypersurfaces in non-flat complex space forms2014/12/01English42
Inner fluctuations in noncommutative geometry without the first order condition2013/11/01English42
Nonholonomic Hamilton–Jacobi theory via Chaplygin Hamiltonization2011/08/01English41
On the integrability of symplectic Monge–Ampère equations2010/10/01English41
Reduction of degenerate Lagrangian systems1986/01/01English40
On discontinuous groups acting on homogeneous spaces with non-compact isotropy subgroups1993/08/01English40
Generalized Euler angle parameterization for U(N) with applications to SU(N) coset volume measures2004/11/01English40
Chern–Simons formulation of three-dimensional gravity with torsion and nonmetricity2006/12/01English40
Almost Einstein and Poincaré–Einstein manifolds in Riemannian signature2010/02/01English40
Calabi–Bernstein results for maximal surfaces in Lorentzian product spaces2009/05/01English40
Killing and conformal Killing tensors2016/08/01English39
On the support of Plancherel measure1988/01/01English39
Quantum and braided-Lie algebras1994/05/01English39
HyperKähler and quaternionic Kähler manifolds with S1 -symmetries2008/03/01English39
A Lagrangian variational formulation for nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Part II: Continuum systems2017/01/01English39
Differential forms and the Wodzicki residue for manifolds with boundary2006/05/01English38