Journal of Geometry and Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the singularities of quadratic forms2000/05/01English
Elements of discrete differential calculus with applications to crystal physics1998/03/01English
The quaternionic geometry of four-dimensional conformal field theory1998/08/01English
Author index to volume 271998/09/01English
Intersection numbers on Grassmannians, and on the space of holomorphic maps from CP1 into Gr(Cn)2001/05/01English
The world viewed from outside1998/03/01English
Central extensions of Lie bialgebras and Poisson-Lie groups1995/06/01English
On the nonlinear extension of quantum superposition and uncertainty principles1999/01/01English
Space of conformal blocks in 4D WZW theory1997/06/01English
Clusters of cycles2002/01/01English
Pontrjagin forms, Chern Simons classes, Codazzi transformations, and affine hypersurfaces1998/09/01English
) invariant quantization of coadjoint orbits and vector bundles over them2001/04/01English
A Morse theory for massive particles and photons in general relativity2000/08/01English
Non-linear stability of singular relative periodic orbits in Hamiltonian systems with symmetry1999/12/01English
Quasi-∗ structure on q-Poincaré algebras1997/04/01English
Author Index To Volume 392001/10/01English
Generalized Weierstrass kernels on the intersection of two complex hypersurfaces2002/01/01English
Geometric inequalities for spacelike hypersurfaces in the Minkowski spacetime2001/01/01English
A Dirichlet criterion for the stability of periodic and relative periodic orbits in Hamiltonian systems1999/12/01English
Smooth coalgebras1999/01/01English
Dispersionless hierarchies, Hamilton-Jacobi theory and twistor correspondences1998/05/01English
The moduli space of flat SU (2) and SO (3) connections over surfaces1998/12/01English
A general Raychaudhuri’s equation for second-order differential equations2000/07/01English
Space-like submanifolds in the de Sitter spaces2002/01/01English
Metric-affine gravity and the Nester–Witten 2-form2001/10/01English
Regular functions of biquaternionic variables and Maxwell's equations1998/07/01English
Single-sided domain walls in M-theory2000/01/01English
Local existence of symmetric spinor potentials for symmetric (3,1)-spinors in Einstein space–times2001/03/01English