Action Learning: Research and Practice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
What has action learning learned to become?2005/04/01English158
Reflections on working with critical action learning2004/09/01English102
Action learning and organizational learning: power, politics and emotion in organizations2004/04/01English89
‘Learning-in-action’ and ‘learning inaction’: advancing the theory and practice of critical action learning2008/07/01English89
The power of learning in action learning: a conceptual analysis of how the five schools of adult learning theories are incorporated within the practice of action learning2004/09/01English69
Reflective practice: origins and interpretations2011/03/01English63
Systems thinking, lean production and action learning2007/04/01English58
Notes toward a philosophy of action learning research2010/07/01English44
Seeking conceptual clarity in the action modalities2009/03/01English44
Inspecting cases against Revans' ‘gold standard’ of action learning2004/04/01English42
An action learning method for increased innovation capability in organisations2010/07/01English41
Connecting entrepreneurial and action learning in student-initiated new business ventures: the case of SPEED2009/11/01English32
The contradictions of impact: action learning and power in organizations2012/09/19English31
Critical by design: enacting critical action learning in a small business context2009/11/01English31
The evidence for the effectiveness of action learning2010/07/01English30
Meeting the development needs of owner managed small enterprise: a discussion of the centrality of action learning2009/11/01English30
Leadership development in SMEs: an action learning approach2009/11/01English29
Action learning for strategic innovation in mature organizations: key cognitive, design and contextual considerations2005/04/01English29
Animating critical action learning: process-based leadership and management development2009/03/01English28
Leadership development in small- and medium-sized enterprises: the case for action learning2009/11/01English27
Action learning for organizational and systemic development: towards a ‘both-and’ understanding of ‘I’ and ‘we’2008/07/01English26
What action learning is not in the twenty-first century2007/09/01English26
Developing healthcare practice through action learning: individual and group journeys2008/03/01English23
Facilitating organizational development through action learning—some practical and theoretical considerations2004/09/01English22
Virtual action learning: practices and challenges2010/03/01English22
Opportunities and limitations for learning within teachers’ collaboration in teams: perspectives from action learning2009/03/01English22
Leadership development, wicked problems and action learning: provocations to a debate2019/01/02English21
Entrepreneurial learning through action: a case study of the Six-Squared program2009/11/01English21
The practice of self-managed action learning2004/04/01English19
Action learning as legitimate peripheral participation2008/07/01English19