Perspectives in Biology and Medicine

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Human Skin Color: A Possible Relationship Between Its Sexual Dimorphism and Its Social Perception1988/09/01English69
Cutting the REM Nerve: An Approach to the Adaptive Role of REM Sleep1974/06/01English69
Proxy Consent in the Experimentation Situation1974/09/01English69
Looking for Rules in a World of Exceptions: reflections on evidence-based practice2005/09/01English68
An Epidemiologic Approach to the Lymphomas of African Children and Burkitt's Sarcoma of the Jaws1964/06/01English65
Molecular Perspectives of Vascular Wall Structure and Disease: The Elastic Component1978/12/01English64
Depression: A Disorder of Timekeeping?1986/06/01English64
The Mosaic Theory of Arterial Hypertension—: Its Interpretation1967/03/01English63
The 24-Hour Scale: A Time Dimension of Adaptive Functional Organization1960/06/01English62
Steroid Prehormones1968/03/01English62
What Can the Samoan "Fa'afafine" Teach Us about the Western Concept of Gender Identity Disorder in Childhood?2007/09/01English62
From Autonomy to Accountability: the role of clinical practice guidelines in professional power2005/09/01English61
The Systems View of Man: Implications for Medicine, Science, and Ethics1973/09/01English61
Ghost Marketing: Pharmaceutical Companies and Ghostwritten Journal Articles2007/12/01English61
Divergence or Disorder?: the politics of naming intersex2007/09/01English60
The Ecology of Height: The Effect of Microbial Transmission on Human Height2002/09/01English57
Malignant Transformation of Cells by Viruses1970/09/01English57
Approach to the Patient with Hypertension1971/06/01English55
The Physiology of Meditation and Mystical States of Consciousness1976/03/01English55
The Possible Role of Glycoproteins in Neural Function1969/03/01English53
The Development of Awareness of Iron-Withholding Defense1993/12/01English53
A Personal History of the Origin of the Somatomedin Hypothesis and Recent Challenges to Its Validity1989/12/01English51
Trajectory of End-Stage Heart Failure: The Influence of Technology and Implications for Policy Change2006/12/01English50
The Guidance of Human Evolution1959/09/01English49
Brief Proposal: Mast Cells and Migraines1983/06/01English49
Immunologically Privileged Sites in Transplantation Immunology and Oncology1985/09/01English49
Observations on the Comparative Anatomy of the Avian Brain1960/03/01English49
Somatomedin C and Arginine: Implicit Connections between Mutually Isolated Literatures1990/12/01English49
Dietary Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus in the Pre-Insulin Era (1914-1922)2006/12/01English48
The UGDP Controversy: thirty-four years of contentious ambiguity laid to rest2004/09/01English48