Microplastics in the marine environment | 2011/08/01 | English | 4,347 |
Microplastics as contaminants in the marine environment: A review | 2011/12/01 | English | 3,357 |
Effects of terrestrial runoff on the ecology of corals and coral reefs: review and synthesis | 2005/02/01 | English | 1,405 |
Occurrence of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract of pelagic and demersal fish from the English Channel | 2013/02/01 | English | 1,254 |
The impact of debris on marine life | 2015/03/01 | English | 1,220 |
The plastic in microplastics: A review | 2017/06/01 | English | 1,197 |
Synthetic fibers in atmospheric fallout: A source of microplastics in the environment? | 2016/03/01 | English | 1,128 |
Microplastic pollution in the surface waters of the Laurentian Great Lakes | 2013/12/01 | English | 1,117 |
Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in marine sediments along the Belgian coast | 2011/10/01 | English | 913 |
Microplastics: Finding a consensus on the definition | 2019/01/01 | English | 894 |
Contributing to marine pollution by washing your face: Microplastics in facial cleansers | 2009/08/01 | English | 885 |
High-levels of microplastic pollution in a large, remote, mountain lake | 2014/08/01 | English | 882 |
Marine microplastic debris: An emerging issue for food security, food safety and human health | 2018/08/01 | English | 808 |
Release of synthetic microplastic plastic fibres from domestic washing machines: Effects of fabric type and washing conditions | 2016/11/01 | English | 804 |
Validation of ATR FT-IR to identify polymers of plastic marine debris, including those ingested by marine organisms | 2018/02/01 | English | 781 |
Plastic ingestion by planktivorous fishes in the North Pacific Central Gyre | 2010/12/01 | English | 762 |
Impacts of pollution on coastal and marine ecosystems including coastal and marine fisheries and approach for management: a review and synthesis | 2004/04/01 | English | 737 |
International policies to reduce plastic marine pollution from single-use plastics (plastic bags and microbeads): A review | 2017/05/01 | English | 676 |
Suspended microplastics in the surface water of the Yangtze Estuary System, China: First observations on occurrence, distribution | 2014/09/01 | English | 666 |
Microplastic fibers in the intertidal ecosystem surrounding Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia | 2014/04/01 | English | 642 |
Widespread distribution of microplastics in subsurface seawater in the NE Pacific Ocean | 2014/02/01 | English | 635 |
The Estuarine Quality Paradox, Environmental Homeostasis and the difficulty of detecting anthropogenic stress in naturally stressed areas | 2007/06/01 | English | 632 |
New techniques for the detection of microplastics in sediments and field collected organisms | 2013/05/01 | English | 623 |
Plastic contamination in the decapod crustacean Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758) | 2011/06/01 | English | 609 |
Ingestion of microplastics by commercial fish off the Portuguese coast | 2015/12/01 | English | 602 |
Persistent organic pollutants carried by synthetic polymers in the ocean environment | 2007/08/01 | English | 574 |
Early microbial biofilm formation on marine plastic debris | 2011/01/01 | English | 574 |
Large microplastic particles in sediments of tributaries of the River Thames, UK – Abundance, sources and methods for effective quantification | 2017/01/01 | English | 556 |
Organic micropollutants in marine plastics debris from the open ocean and remote and urban beaches | 2011/08/01 | English | 551 |
Characterisation, quantity and sorptive properties of microplastics extracted from cosmetics | 2015/10/01 | English | 535 |