Journal of Signal and Information Processing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Neural Network Approach to Modelling the Behaviour of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites in Dry Environments2012/01/012
Robust Image Registration Based on Mutual Information Measure2012/01/012
Implementation of Variable Tone Variable Bits Gray-Scale Image Stegnography Using Discrete Cosine Transform2013/01/012
Application of PDE and Mathematical Morphology in the Extraction Validation of the Roads2013/01/012
Nonparametric Spectral Estimation Technique to Estimate Dominant Frequency for Atrial Fibrillation Detection2015/01/012
Wideband Cognitive Radio Networks Based Compressed Spectrum Sensing: A Survey2018/01/012
Statistical Features and Traditional SA-SVM Classification Algorithm for Crack Detection2018/01/012
Design of Optimized Wavelet Packet Algorithm to Improve Perception of Sensorineural Hearing Impaired2016/01/012
Segmentation of Visual Images by Sequential Extracting Homogeneous Texture Areas2020/01/012
Convergence Curve for Non-Blind Adaptive Equalizers2016/01/011
A Multiple Random Feature Extraction Algorithm for Image Object Tracking2018/01/011
DM-L Based Feature Extraction and Classifier Ensemble for Object Recognition2018/01/011
Preprocessing Model of Manuscripts in Javanese Characters2014/01/011
Compression of MR Images Using DWT by Comparing RGB and YCbCr Color Spaces2013/01/011
Depth Based View Synthesis Using Graph Cuts for 3DTV2013/01/011
Quantitative Convergence for Cerebral Processing of Information within the Geomagnetic Environment2013/01/011
Modeling and Generating Organ Pipes Self-Sustained Tones by Using ICA2011/01/011
Efficient Hardware/Software Implementation of LPC Algorithm in Speech Coding Applications2012/01/011
Emergency Gesture Communication by Patients, Elderly and Differently Abled with Care Takers Using Wearable Data Gloves2013/01/011
Reducing the PAPR of OFDM Signals Based on SCHT Precoding2012/01/011
Robust Suboptimal Guaranteed Cost Control for 2-D Discrete Systems Described by Fornasini-Marchesini First Model2012/01/011
Accurate Tools for Analyzing the Behavior of Impulse Noise Reduction Filters in Color Images2013/01/011
Performance Evaluation of Complex Wavelet Packet Modulation (CWPM) System over Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel2012/01/011
A Low Sample Size Estimator for K Distributed Noise2012/01/011
Video Compression USING a New Active Mesh Based Motion Compensation Algorithm in Wavelet Sub-Bands2012/01/011
A New Image Denoising Scheme Using Soft-Thresholding2012/01/011
On Segmentation of Moving Objects by Integrating PCA Method with the Adaptive Background Model2012/01/011
A New Algorithm for Automatic Double Bright Fringe of Multiple-Beam Fizeau Fringe Skeletonization Using Fourier Transform Method of Fringe Pattern Analysis2012/01/011
Rapid Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis2012/01/011
URAV Simulation Training System Based on Aerosim and Google Earth2012/01/011