Journal of Signal and Information Processing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
First and Second Order Statistics Features for Classification of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images2012/01/0154
An Improved Signal Segmentation Using Moving Average and Savitzky-Golay Filter2012/01/0152
Turbo Coded OFDM with Large Number of Subcarriers2012/01/0121
Design and Implementation of Double Base Integer Encoder of Term Metrical to Direct Binary2013/01/0118
Computed Tomography Image Enhancement Using Cuckoo Search: A Log Transform Based Approach2015/01/0118
An Improved Image Denoising Method Based on Wavelet Thresholding2012/01/0117
Video Frame’s Background Modeling: Reviewing the Techniques2011/01/0114
On Development of Fuzzy Controller: The Case of Gaussian and Triangular Membership Functions2011/01/0114
Real-Time Static Hand Gesture Recognition for American Sign Language (ASL) in Complex Background2012/01/0113
An Overview of Principal Component Analysis2013/01/0113
A Nonlinear Autoregressive Approach to Statistical Prediction of Disturbance Storm Time Geomagnetic Fluctuations Using Solar Data2014/01/0112
Two Blind Adaptive Equalizers Connected in Series for Equalization Performance Improvement2013/01/0111
Classification of Normal and Pathological Voice Using SVM and RBFNN2014/01/0111
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis2012/01/0110
Comparison of Three Techniques to Identify and Count Individual Animals in Aerial Imagery2016/01/0110
Characterisation of Real-World Bus Acceleration and Deceleration Signals2014/01/0110
Feature Extraction Techniques of Non-Stationary Signals for Fault Diagnosis in Machinery Systems2012/01/019
Noise Removal in Speech Processing Using Spectral Subtraction2014/01/019
Design of Sharp 2D Multiplier-Less Circularly Symmetric FIR Filter Using Harmony Search Algorithm and Frequency Transformation2012/01/019
Target Tracking and Classification Using Compressive Measurements of MWIR and LWIR Coded Aperture Cameras2019/01/019
A Fuzzy Controller for Blood Glucose-Insulin System2013/01/019
Image Encryption Based on the General Approach for Multiple Chaotic Systems2011/01/019
Improved 3-D Particle Tracking Velocimetry with Colored Particles2011/01/018
Artificial Intelligence for Speech Recognition Based on Neural Networks2015/01/018
New Results in Perceptually Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images2019/01/018
Deep Learning Based Target Tracking and Classification for Infrared Videos Using Compressive Measurements2019/01/018
Generalized Parseval’s Theorem on Fractional Fourier Transform for Discrete Signals and Filtering of LFM Signals2013/01/018
A Modal Identification Algorithm Combining Blind Source Separation and State Space Realization2013/01/018
LMI Approach to Suboptimal Guaranteed Cost Control for 2-D Discrete Uncertain Systems2011/01/017
Chirplet Signal and Empirical Mode Decompositions of Ultrasonic Signals for Echo Detection and Estimation2013/01/017