Animal Behavior and Cognition

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Trialling Meta-Research in Comparative Cognition: Claims and Statistical Inference in Animal Physical Cognition2020/08/015
Folk Physics in the Twenty-first Century: Understanding Tooling as Embodied2020/08/015
Vervet monkey alarm calls: Setting the historical context2020/05/015
Forty years on from the question of referential signals in nonhuman communication2020/05/015
Monkey Alarm Calling: It Ain't all Referential, or is It?2020/05/015
Vocal Communication and the Importance of Mother-Offspring Relations in Cattle2017/11/015
Lateralized Eye Use Towards Video Stimuli in Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps)2017/08/015
Fish are Sensitive to Expansion-Contraction Color Effects2017/08/015
Recognition of human face images by the free flying wasp Vespula vulgaris2017/08/015
Habituation to Auditory Stimuli by Captive African Elephants (Loxodonta africana)2015/11/015
An Inventory of Peer-reviewed Articles on Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) with a Comparison to Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)2016/08/015
Human-Animal Relationships: The Use of Species-Typical Food Calls and Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Names: Welfare-Oriented Tools to Manage Sanctuary Chimpanzees2015/08/015
Applying Theoretical Models on Human Creativity to Animal Studies2014/02/015
Sex Difference in Bottlenose Dolphin Sightings during a Long-term Bridge Construction Project2015/02/015
One Good Turn Deserves Another: Combat versus Other Functions of Acrobatic Maneuvers in the Play Fighting of Vervet Monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops)2014/01/01English5
Cats (Felis catus) Show No Avoidance of People Who Behave Negatively to Their Owner2021/02/014
Disentangling Great Apes' Decoy-Effect Bias in a Food Choice Task2019/06/014
Discrimination of black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) chick-a-dee calls produced across seasons2020/05/014
Segmental units in nonhuman animal vocalization as a window into meaning, structure, and the evolution of language2020/05/014
Rating Methodology, Personality Axes, and Behavioral Plasticity: A Case Study in African Lions2014/01/01English4
Craving Ravens: Individual ‘haa’ Call Rates at Feeding Sites as Cues to Personality and Levels of Fission-Fusion Dynamics?2014/01/01English4
Visual Discrimination of Geometric and Complex 2D Shapes in Goldfish (Carassius auratus)2018/08/014
Visual Processing of Faces in Juvenile Western Lowland Gorillas without the Use of Training or Reinforcement: A Pilot Study2018/08/014
Limits of Spatial Vision in Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo abelii)2017/08/014
Visual Shape Recognition in Crayfish as Revealed by Habituation2017/08/014
A Tool Use Task Proves Enriching for a Captive Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris)2016/05/014
Classification of Captive North American River Otters (Lontra canadensis) Vocal Repertoires: Individual Variations, and Age Class Comparisons2014/11/014
Maternal and Alloparental Discipline in Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenalla frontalis) in the Bahamas2015/11/014
UV Deprivation Influences Social UV Preference in Juvenile Sticklebacks2015/05/014
Social Vigilance of Friends and Foes in Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)2020/11/014