Animal Behavior and Cognition

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Challenges of Replicating Research on Endangered Species2021/05/0111
'Bearly' Changing with the Seasons: Bears of Five Species Show Few Behavioral Changes Across Seasons and at Varying Visitor Densities2021/11/0111
Do Dogs Demonstrate Susceptibility to a Vertically Presented Ponzo Illusion?2018/08/0110
Intranasal Oxytocin Failed to Affect Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Social Behavior2016/08/0110
Structure and Dynamics of Humpback Whales Competitive Groups in Ecuador2015/02/0110
Human Sperm Competition: A Comparative Evolutionary Analysis2014/01/01English10
No Evidence for Cross-Contextual Consistency in Spatial Cognition or Behavioral Flexibility in a Passerine2021/08/0310
Effects of Crowd Size, Composition, and Noise Level On Pool Use in a Mixed-Species Penguin Colony2021/11/019
Do Dogs See the Ponzo illusion?2017/11/019
Mechanisms underlying cognitive bias in nonhuman primates.2017/02/019
Coordinated hunting by Cuban boas2017/02/019
Multifaceted Approach to Personality Assessment in Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)2016/02/019
Zoo-Housed Chimpanzees Can Spontaneously Use Tool Sets But Perseverate on Previously Successful Tool-Use Methods2020/08/019
Replications, Comparisons, Sampling and the Problem of Representativeness in Animal Cognition Research2021/05/019
“Bear-ly” learning: Limits of abstraction in black bear cognition2018/02/018
Can Comparative Psychology Crack its Toughest Nut?2020/11/018
The Effects of Increasing Visitor and Noise Levels on Birds Within a Free-flight Aviary Examined Through Enclosure Use and Behavior2020/02/018
Comparative metacognition2019/11/018
Memory-Based Quantity Discrimination in Coyotes (Canis latrans)2014/01/01English8
An Exploration of Play Behaviors in Raven Nestlings2014/01/01English8
The Effect of Positive Reinforcement Training on an Adult Female Western Lowland Gorilla’s (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) Rate of Abnormal and Aggressive Behavior2016/05/018
Automated Video Surveillance for the Study of Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition2016/11/018
The “Creative Dolphin” Revisited: What Do Dolphins Do When Asked to Vary their Behavior?2014/02/018
Preliminary study to investigate the Delboeuf illusion in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta): Methodological Challenges2017/08/018
Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) Discriminate Between Familiar and Unfamiliar Human Visual and Olfactory Cues2018/08/018
Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) Novel Bubble Helix Play Behavior2014/01/01English7
Domestic Animal Welfare at the Zoo: The Impact of an Animal Visitor Interaction Program on Chickens2021/02/017
Visual Discrimination Learning in the Jumping Spider Phidippus regius2017/11/017
Diurnal and Nocturnal Activity Time Budgets of Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) in a Zoological Park2016/05/017
Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) Behavior and Group Dynamics as Observed from an Aircraft off Southern California2016/02/017