Animal Behavior and Cognition

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Cognitive enrichment and welfare: Current approaches and future directions2017/02/0180
The Reciprocity Controversy2014/01/01English58
Why do Dolphins Play?2014/01/01English49
Monitoring the Behavior and Habitat Use of Animals to Enhance Welfare using the ZooMonitor App2019/06/0143
Putting the ā€œEā€ in SPIDER: Evolving Trends in the Evaluation of Environmental Enrichment Efficacy in Zoological Settings2015/08/0142
Play, Playfulness, Creativity and Innovation2014/01/01English41
Synchronous and Rhythmic Vocalizations and Correlated Underwater Behavior of Free-ranging Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) and Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Bahamas2015/02/0140
A Brief Glimpse at the Long Evolutionary History of Play2014/01/01English39
Nosing Around: Play in Pigs2014/01/01English36
African Elephant Play, Competence and Social Complexity2014/01/01English34
Animal Welfare: Could Adult Play be a False Friend?2015/05/0132
Evaluating mood changes in response to anthropogenic noise with a response-slowing task in three species of zoo-housed primates2018/04/3030
Sex, Age, and Individual Differences in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Response to Environmental Enrichment2015/08/0129
The Psychology of Cows2017/11/0129
Developing a Catalog of Socio-Sexual Behaviors of Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in the Care of Humans2015/05/0128
Inferring causal relationships in zebrafish-robot interactions through transfer entropy: a small lure to catch a big fish.2018/11/0127
Independent Evolution of Similar Complex Cognitive Skills: The Importance of Embodied Degrees of Freedom2014/01/01English26
Biology, Culture, and the Origins of Pet-Keeping2014/01/01English25
Effects of Habitat Modifications on Behavioral Indicators of Welfare for Madagascar Giant Hognose Snakes (Leioheterodon madagascariensis)2020/02/0123
Sub-adult Ravens Synchronize their Play: A Case of Emotional Contagion?2014/01/01English22
Replications in Comparative Cognition: What Should We Expect and How Can We Improve?2020/02/0122
Behavior Systems Approach to Object Play: Stone Handling Repertoire as a Measure of Propensity for Complex Foraging and Percussive Tool Use in the Genus Macaca2017/11/0121
Detecting and Measuring Back Disorders in Nonverbal Individuals: The Example of Domestic Horses2016/08/0120
Pectoral fin contact as a mechanism for social bonding among dolphins2017/02/0120
The Development of Social Play in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)2014/02/0119
Dialects in Animals: Evidence, Development and Potential Functions2015/05/0119
Animal-Visitor Interactions and the Visitor Experience: Visitor Behaviors, Attitudes, Perceptions, and Learning in the Modern Zoo2021/11/0118
Cetacean mother-calf behavior observed from a small aircraft off Southern California2017/02/0118
Methodological challenges of the use of robots in ethological research2018/11/0118
Play in Rats: Association across Contexts and Types, and Analysis of Structure2014/11/0117