Seminars in Hearing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Impact of Age on Cognition2015/07/09English630
Treatments for Decreased Sound Tolerance (Hyperacusis and Misophonia)2014/04/29English103
Age-Related Changes in Temporal Processing: Implications for Speech Perception2001/01/0189
Music Appreciation and Training for Cochlear Implant Recipients: A Review2012/11/19English88
Early Identification of Infants with Significant Hearing Loss and the Minnesota Child Development Inventory1995/05/01English74
Effects of Recreational Noise on Threshold and Suprathreshold Measures of Auditory Function2017/10/10English73
Factors Affecting the Interpretation of Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission Results in Neonatal Hearing Screening1993/02/01English72
Spoken Language Comprehension in Older Adults: Interactions between Sensory and Cognitive Change in Normal Aging2001/01/0169
Mechanisms of Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity and Prevention2019/04/26English67
Hearing, Cognition, and Healthy Aging: Social and Public Health Implications of the Links between Age-Related Declines in Hearing and Cognition2015/07/09English67
Brainstem Abnormalities in Neonates With Normal Otoacoustic Emissions1996/05/01English66
Aging of the Human Vestibular System2015/07/09English64
Plasticity, Auditory Training, and Auditory Processing Disorders2002/01/01English61
Development of Ebselen, a Glutathione Peroxidase Mimic, for the Prevention and Treatment of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss2009/02/01English59
The Use of Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions in Neonatal Hearing Screening Programs1993/02/01English59
Epidemiology of Vestibular Impairments in a Pediatric Population2018/07/20English57
Auditory Training: Principles and Approaches for Remediating and Managing Auditory Processing Disorders2002/01/01English54
MarkeTrak 10 (MT10) Survey Results Demonstrate High Satisfaction with and Benefits from Hearing Aids2020/02/01English51
Vascular Pathophysiology in Hearing Disorders2012/07/31English51
Mechanisms of the Hearing–Cognition Relationship2015/07/09English49
Efficacy of Early Identification and Early Intervention1995/05/01English47
Historical, Political, and Technological Context Associated with Early Identification of Hearing Loss1993/02/01English46
Age-Related Hearing Loss: A Loss of Voltage, Not Hair Cells2006/11/01English46
Summary of the N1-P2 Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential to Estimate the Auditory Threshold in Adults2016/02/04English45
Auditory Training and Central Auditory Processing Disorders: A Case Study1998/11/01English44
Identification of Auditory Neuropathy in Infants and Children2002/01/01English43
Auditory Neuropathy: Using OAEs and ABRs from Screening to Management1999/11/01English40
Auditory Training for Central Auditory Processing Disorder2015/10/26English40
Training-Related Changes in the Brain: Evidence from Human Auditory-Evoked Potentials2007/05/01English38
Evidence-Based Interventions for Adult Aural Rehabilitation: That Was Then, This Is Now2019/02/01English38