Physical Review B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Theory of spin-polarized electron-capture spectroscopy in ferromagnetic nickel1993/04/01English
Magnetic and hyperfine properties of fcc Fe1995/05/01English
ESR study of the structure and production ofSn−(5p3,S4) defects in alkali halides1979/01/01English
Magnetic correlations in manganites1999/09/15English
Photoelectronic behavior ofa-Se and somea-Se: As alloys in their glass transition regions1978/08/15English
Influence of Al content in the barrier on the optical properties of GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs (x=0.1–1) multiple-quantum-well structures1992/09/15English
One-dimensionalk-component Fibonacci structures1993/07/01English
Analysis of capacitance-voltage characteristics ofSi1−xGex/Si quantum-well structures1996/09/15English
Electron paramagnetic centers in donor-dopedCaTiO3single crystals2000/03/15English
Role of chain length on the surface chemistry of dienes studiedby scanning tunneling microscopy1997/04/15English
Observation of the Josephson plasma reflectivity edge in the infrared region in Bi-based superconducting cuprates2000/04/01English
Optical properties of ion-implanted GaAs: The observation of finite-size effects in GaAs microcrystals1989/07/15English
Atomic structure of amorphousAl100−2xCoxCex(x=8, 9, and 10) andAl80Fe10Ce10alloys: An XAFS study1994/11/01English
Interaction of atomic hydrogen with the diamond C(111) surface studied by infrared-visible sum-frequency-generation spectroscopy1995/08/15English
Spin-polarized linear muffin-tin orbitals calculation of the interstitial-atom effect in γ′-Fe4Z(Z=H, C, N)1996/08/15English
Coordination and chemical effects on the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties in Mn pnictides2001/08/07English
Effective exciton mobility edge in narrow quantum wells1997/08/15English
Hole polarization and slow hole-spin relaxation in ann-doped quantum-well structure1992/09/15English
Negative-differential band-gap renormalization in type-II GaAs/AlAs superlattices1995/01/15English
Exciton formation and hole-spin relaxation in intrinsic quantum wells1994/10/15English
Electronic states and optical gain in strained CdS/ZnS quantum structures1997/01/15English
Continuum contribution to excitonic four-wave mixing due to interaction-induced nonlinearities1996/11/15English
Theoretical analysis of electron-hole alignment in InAs-GaAs quantum dots2000/05/15English
Stress dependence of exciton relaxation processes inCu2O2002/02/11English
Subpicosecond thermalization and relaxation of highly photoexcited electrons and holes in intrinsic andp-type GaAs and InP1993/05/15English
Bound excitons and resonant Raman scattering inCdxZn1−xTe(0.9≤x≤1)1983/12/15English
Nonequilibrium phonon spectroscopy: A new technique for studying intervalley scattering in semiconductors1983/02/15English
Strong coupling of heavy- and light-hole excitons induced by many-body correlations2000/11/15English
Dynamics associated with Bose-Einstein statistics of orthoexcitons generated by resonant excitations in cuprous oxide1997/11/15English
Magnetic relaxation in a classical spin chain2000/03/01English