Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Flooding-limited and multi-constrained QoS multicast routing based on the genetic algorithm for MANETs2011/06/01English169
An application of time scales to economics2006/04/01English165
On rank reversal in decision analysis2009/03/01English159
A novel smart card and dynamic ID based remote user authentication scheme for multi-server environments2013/07/01English153
Multiple positive solutions of a singular fractional differential equation with negatively perturbed term2012/02/01English148
Avascular growth, angiogenesis and vascular growth in solid tumours: The mathematical modelling of the stages of tumour development1996/03/01English148
Stability analysis of fractional differential system with Riemann–Liouville derivative2010/09/01English147
Application of a quantification SWOT analytical method2006/01/01English146
Convergence of Adomian's method applied to nonlinear equations1994/11/01English145
Asymptotic behavior of global positive solution to a stochastic SIR model2011/07/01English139
A capability-based security approach to manage access control in the Internet of Things2013/09/01English139
A hybrid approach of support vector regression with genetic algorithm optimization for aquaculture water quality prediction2013/08/01English138
Analytical solutions for MHD flow in a third-grade fluid with variable viscosity2010/11/01English136
A new definition of consistency of pairwise comparisons1993/10/01English134
The numerical solution of linear ordinary differential equations by feedforward neural networks1994/06/01English133
Traveling wave solutions for some coupled nonlinear evolution equations2013/03/01English131
A fractional order SEIR model with vertical transmission2011/07/01English127
The method of grey related analysis to multiple attribute decision making problems with interval numbers2005/11/01English127
Drought forecasting based on the remote sensing data using ARIMA models2010/06/01English124
Parameter determination in a partial differential equation from the overspecified data2005/01/01English123
Rainfall-runoff model usingan artificial neural network approach2004/10/01English122
Content-based image retrieval using color and texture fused features2011/08/01English121
Numerical simulation of powder mixed electric discharge machining (PMEDM) using finite element method2008/06/01English121
A study on the convergence of variational iteration method2010/05/01English118
Existence and global attractivity of positiveperiodic solution of periodic single-species impulsive Lotka-Volterra systems2004/09/01English114
On the convergence of uncertain sequences2009/02/01English113
Extension of TOPSIS for decision-making problems with interval data: Interval efficiency2009/03/01English113
Land use pattern optimization based on CLUE-S and SWAT models for agricultural non-point source pollution control2013/08/01English112
The multiattribute group decision making method based on aggregation operators with interval-valued 2-tuple linguistic information2012/07/01English110
The GOWA operator based approach to multiattribute decision making using intuitionistic fuzzy sets2011/03/01English108