The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effect of polyhydroxyalcohols on COS absorption in aqueous methyldiethanolamine1995/12/01English3
Convective boiling and condensation1995/03/01English3
Dependence of the second virial coefficient on temperature1995/01/01English2
Dynamic liquid holdup and oxygen mass transfer in a cocurrent upflow bioreactor with small packing at low Reynolds numbers1996/06/01English2
Catalytic processes using “large-pore” materials: effects of the flow rate and operating temperature on the conversion in a plug-flow reactor for irreversible first-order reactions1995/12/01English2
Production of ethene oxide in a sieve plate electrochemical reactor Part II: Mathematical reactor model and factors affecting the relative concentrations of ethene and bromine1996/01/01English2
Mathematical model of goethite synthesis by oxyprecipitation of steel pickling liquors1995/11/01English2
A model for calculating the steady state flux of organic ultrafiltration membranes for the case of cutting oil emulsions1995/01/01English2
Determination of mass transfer parameters in surface aerated bioreactors with bubble entrainment1995/10/01English2
Studies on kinetics of forward and backward extraction of neodymium by using phosphonic acid monoester as an acidic extractant1995/12/01English2
Local flow behavior of the liquid phase in an airlift bioreactor for potential use in animal cell suspension cultures1995/05/01English2
Heat transfer measurements in a liquid vessel that is mixed using a vibratory agitator1996/02/01English2
Deacidification of grape musts by Schizosaccharomyces entrapped in alginate beads: a continuous-fluidized-bed process1994/08/01English2
Separation of protein mixtures by continuous annular chromatography with step elution1994/08/01English2
Mass transfer-reaction coupling in two-phase multicomponent fluid systems1995/04/01English2
Performance improvement of a chemical reactor by non-linear natural oscillations1995/10/01English2
Diffusional characteristics of a swelling gel and its consequences for bioreactor performance1994/08/01English2
Global control of a continuous stirred tank bioreactor1994/12/01English2
Biosynthesis of cyclodextrin glucosyltransferase and β-cyclodextrin by Bacillus macerans 314 and properties of the crude enzyme1996/03/01English2
Optimum operating conditions in closed-system industrial acetifiers (batch operation): a study by computer simulation1996/06/01English2
Effect of measurement method on the velocities used to demarcate the onset of turbulent fluidization1995/05/01English2
Gas hold-up in stalactite and slug flows with highly viscous liquids1994/12/01English2
Internal fouling of microporous cross-flow filtration membranes with dilute latex suspensions1995/12/01English2
Sequential method for the determination of operating conditions for optimizing end-use properties of a terpolymer1996/07/01English2
Separation and purification of two enzymes from Bacillus subtilis using Aliquat 336 reversed micelles: study of the effect of cosolvent concentration1995/11/01English2
Random geometrical models for porous media and other two-phase materials1996/04/01English2
Etude numérique de la structure de l'écoulement, en régime laminaire, dans une conduite pleine à paroi ondulée1994/08/01English2
Process applications of emission tomography1995/02/01English2
Modelling velocity profiles in inclined multiphase flow to provide a priori information for flow imaging1995/02/01English2
Viscosity of triglyceride and alcohol solutions: application of the Krone, Doolittle and Macedo-Litovitz equations1995/12/01English2