Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multiple absorption of laser photons by atoms1973/04/01939
Dressed-atom description of resonance fluorescence and absorption spectra of a multi-level atom in an intense laser beam1977/02/21537
One-body Green's function for atoms and molecules: theory and application1975/02/01511
Properties of autoionizing states of He1968/09/01490
Gauge invariance and relativistic radiative transitions1974/08/21489
A classical model for multiple-electron capture in slow collisions of highly charged ions with atoms1986/09/28468
Atomic data for opacity calculations. II. Computational methods1987/12/14456
Semiphenomenological optical model for electron scattering on atoms1973/11/01455
An investigation of the structure near the L2,3edges of argon, the M4,5edges of krypton and the N4,5edges of xenon, using electron impact with high resolution1977/08/21445
Atomic data for opacity calculations. I. General description1987/12/14442
Ionisation of atoms by ion impact1983/09/14433
The Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation and the linked-diagram theorem for a multi-configurational model space1974/12/21368
Observation of the resonant Stark effect at optical frequencies1974/05/11348
Electron scattering by complex atoms1971/02/01343
Single and double ionisation of helium by H+, He2+and Li3+ions1985/03/14323
Diagonalisation of the Dirac Hamiltonian as a basis for a relativistic many-body procedure1986/09/28316
A quantum-mechanical master equation treatment of the dynamical Stark effect1976/06/01313
Theoretical study of inner-shell alignment of atoms in electron impact ionisation: angular distribution and polarisation of X-rays and Auger electrons1977/08/21312
Dielectronic recombination of Fe22+and Fe21+1986/11/28305
Regular and irregular spectra1973/09/01304
Computer programs for the calculation of electron-atom collision cross sections. I. General formulation1972/12/01288
R-matrix theory of photoionization. Application to neon and argon1975/11/11274
Hydrogen atoms in arbitrary magnetic fields. I. Energy levels and wavefunctions1984/01/14255
Vibrational excitation of N2by resonance scattering of electrons1971/01/01252
Absolute differential cross sections for elastic scattering of electrons by helium, neon, argon and molecular nitrogen1976/02/01249
Carbon K-shell excitation in small molecules by high-resolution electron impact1979/01/14246
Configuration interaction in the continuum states of molecules1968/05/01243
Pulsed crossed-beam study of the ionisation of atomic hydrogen by electron impact1987/07/28241
The theory of dissociative recombination1968/05/01224
Total cross sections for electron scattering by Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe1979/03/28224