International Planning Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On Places Lost and Places Regained: Reflections on the Alternative Food Geography and Sustainable Regional Development2009/11/01English191
Feeding the City: The Challenge of Urban Food Planning2009/11/01English159
Errors Expected — Aligning Urban Strategy with Demographic Uncertainty in Shrinking Cities†2008/11/01English117
East European Cities — Patterns of Growth and Decline, 1960–20052008/11/01English100
Feeding the City: Towards a New Research and Planning Agenda2009/11/01English100
Making neo-liberal governance: the disempowering work of empowerment2004/11/01English93
Brand Dubai: The Instant City; or the Instantly Recognizable City2007/05/01English91
An integrated remote sensing and GIS approach in the monitoring and evaluation of rapid urban growth for sustainable development in the Pearl River Delta, China1997/06/01English85
Public Involvement and Planning: Looking beyond the One to the Many2000/10/01English82
Bulldozer Neo-liberalism in Istanbul: The State-led Construction of Property Markets, and the Displacement of the Urban Poor2011/02/01English82
Municipal Food Strategies and Integrated Approaches to Urban Agriculture: Exploring Three Cases from the Global North2013/02/01English79
The ‘Infrastructure Turn’ in Australian Metropolitan Spatial Planning2009/05/01English71
Tokenism or Political Activism? Some Reflections on Participatory Planning2012/02/01English69
The Canadian Pioneer: The Genesis of Urban Food Policy in Toronto2009/11/01English68
Urban Governance for Food Security: The Alternative Food System in Belo Horizonte, Brazil2009/11/01English61
Planning, Sustainability and Airport-Led Urban Development2009/05/01English57
Subcentres and Satellite Cities: Tokyo's 20th Century Experience of Planned Polycentrism2001/02/01English56
Natural Disaster, Mitigation and Sustainability: The Case of Developing Countries2002/05/01English55
Urban Planning and Governance: Is there a Barcelona Model?2000/10/01English55
Neoliberalism and changing regional policy in Australia2005/08/01English53
Urban Regeneration and Hegemonic Power Relationships2011/02/01English53
The Rise of Urban Food Planning2013/02/01English52
The Planning Process in the US and Germany: A Comparative Analysis2007/02/01English52
Changing Interpretations of ‘Flexibility’ in the Planning Literature: From Opportunism to Creativity?2008/08/01English51
The Relationship Between Urban Regeneration and Neoliberalism: Two Presumptuous Theories and a Research Agenda2007/11/01English50
Urban Residential Satisfaction and the Planning Implications in a Developing World Context: The Example of Benin City, Nigeria2002/02/01English50
Travelling Ideas, Power and Place: The Cases of Urban Villages and Business Improvement Districts2007/05/01English49
The Planning of ‘Villages-in-the-City’ in Shenzhen, China: The Significance of the New State-Led Approach2009/08/01English48
Strategic green infrastructure planning in Germany and the UK: a transnational evaluation of the evolution of urban greening policy and practice2017/02/15English48
Reflections on the future understanding of planning practice1999/06/01English48