Acta Applicandae Mathematicae

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Remark on Regularity Criterion Via Pressure in Anisotropic Lebesgue Spaces to the 3d Navier–Stokes Equations2023/05/16English
A Mathematical Analysis of the Intermediate Behaviour of the Energy Cascades of Quantum Turbulence2023/04/01English
Massera’s Theorems for a Higher Order Dispersive System2023/05/18English
Uniform Turnpike Property and Singular Limits2024/03/07English
Swarm-Based Optimization with Random Descent2024/03/01English
A New Blowup Criterion to the Cauchy Problem for the Three-Dimensional Compressible Viscous Micropolar Fluids with Vacuum2024/04/01English
Indirect Boundary Controllability of Coupled Degenerate Wave Equations2024/04/01English
Steady States of a Diffusive Population-Toxicant Model with Negative Toxicant-Taxis2024/04/01English
A Tension Spline Based Numerical Algorithm for Singularly Perturbed Partial Differential Equations on Non-uniform Discretization2024/04/01English
Efficient Numerical Schemes for a Two-Species Keller-Segel Model and Investigation of Its Blowup Phenomena in 3D2024/04/01English
Global Classical Solutions to a Predator-Prey Model with Nonlinear Indirect Chemotaxis Mechanism2024/04/01English
Boundary Controllability of a Simplified Stabilized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky System2023/12/01English
Stability for an Interface Transmission Problem of Wave-Plate Equations with Dynamical Boundary Controls2023/11/22English
Symmetry of Positive Solutions for Lane-Emden Systems Involving the Logarithmic Laplacian2023/12/01English
Threshold Dynamics for Diffusive Age-Structured Model over Unbounded Domains: Age-Dependent Death and Diffusion Rates2024/03/28English
Global Error Bounds for the Extended Vertical Linear Complementarity Problems of CKV-Type Matrices and CKV-Type $B$-Matrices2024/03/28English
An Attraction-Repulsion Chemotaxis System: The Roles of Nonlinear Diffusion and Productions2024/03/13English
Existence and Localization of Unbounded Solutions for Fully Nonlinear Systems of Jerk Equations on the Half-Line2024/03/13English
One Step Entropy Variation in Sequential Sampling of Species for the Poisson-Dirichlet Process2023/03/20English
Exact Number of Peak Solutions for Nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson Systems2023/06/01English
Penguin Huddling: A Continuum Model2023/06/01English
Fractal Dimension of Random Attractor for a Stochastic Lattice System with White Noise2023/06/16English
The Well-posedness and the Regularity of Global Attractor for a Couple Stress Fluid Through Porous Layer with the Local Thermal Non-equilibrium Effect2023/01/03English
Polynomial Energy Decay Rate for the Wave Equation with Kinetic Boundary Condition2024/04/22English
On the Wave Equation with Space Dependent Coefficients: Singularities and Lower Order Terms2023/09/13English
Stabilization Effects of Magnetic Field on a 2D Anisotropic MHD System with Partial Dissipation2023/09/11English
Frictionless Signorini’s Contact Problem for Hyperelastic Materials with Interior Point Optimizer2023/08/29English
On the Homogenization of the Renewal Equation with Heterogeneous External Constraints2023/08/30English
Exponential Ergodicity of a Degenerate Age-Size Piecewise Deterministic Process2023/08/30English
Vanishing Micro-Rotation and Angular Viscosities Limit for the 2D Micropolar Equations in a Bounded Domain2023/08/30English