Acta Materialia

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Computer simulation of interfaces: what do we need to know?1998/04/10
Wettability of diamond by liquid pure tin1998/04/10
Independent enhancement of the in-plane Seebeck effect in 2D PtSe2/PtSe2 homostructures via a facile interface tuning method2024/04/01English
Effect of size dependent interface properties on stability of metal clusters on ceramic substrates1998/04/10
Energetics and kinetics of dissolutive wetting processes1998/04/10
Experimental investigation of stress and strain fields in a ductile matrix surrounding an elastic inclusion2000/04/01English
Determination of local strains in a monocrystalline turbine blade by microbeam X-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation2000/05/01English
Thermodynamic properties of coherent interfaces in f.c.c.-based Ag–Al alloys: a first-principles study2000/03/01English
The role of secondary oxide inclusions (“pegs”) on the spalling resistance of oxide films2000/06/01English
A dislocation tetrahedron for MoSi22000/06/01English
Characterisation of liquid metal/solid ceramic interfaces by neutron reflection1998/04/10
Kinetic analysis of spinodal decomposition process in Fe–Cr alloys by small angle neutron scattering2000/04/01English
Evading strength-ductility trade-off dilemma in TRIP-assisted Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 duplex high-entropy alloys via flash annealing and deep cryogenic treatments2024/04/01English
Phase chemistry of the superalloy SC16 after creep deformation2000/06/01English
Stresses in passivated lines from curvature measurements2000/06/01English
Editors for Acta Materialia2023/11/01English
Tensile creep of textured Ti2AlC in the 1000–1150°C temperature range2023/12/01English
Composition-dependent transformation-induced plasticity in Co-based complex concentrated alloys2024/01/01English
Metrics for the characteristic length scale in the random bicontinuous microstructure of nanoporous gold2023/11/01English
The time dependence of proton irradiation effect on the intergranular oxidation of 316 L stainless steel in high-temperature hydrogenated water2023/11/01English
{11¯01} tension twins and {11¯01}-{22¯01}/{22¯01}-{11¯01} double twins in the D019 ordered hexagonal α2-Ti3Al phase2023/11/01English
Origin of environmentally structural susceptibility of nickel-based layered oxide cathodes2023/12/01English
Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia Outstanding Reviewers in 20222023/10/01English
Editors for Acta Materialia2023/10/01English
Interfacial fracture behavior and adhesive strength in tensile and shear loading of SiC-PyC-SiC composites by micro-scale specimens2023/10/01English
An all-lithium-metal-oxides-based low temperature solid oxide fuel cell with triple (H+/O2−/Li+) conducting electrolyte2023/11/01English
Thermodynamics of the solid-liquid phase equilibrium of a binary system: Effect of a chemical reaction in the liquid and epitaxial strain in the solid2023/10/01English
Characterization of dealloying and associated stress corrosion cracking: The effect of crystallographic orientation2023/11/01English
Extraction of reversible hydrogen trapped on prior austenite grain boundaries and promoting intergranular fracture in the elastic region of tempered martensitic steel by utilizing frozen-in hydrogen distribution at -196 °C2023/10/01English
Ferroelastic twin domain patterns and polar domain walls of BiVO4 thin films via phase-field simulations2023/10/01English