Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Insecticidal Activity of Annonaceous Acetogenins and Their Derivatives on <em>Spodoptera frugiperda</em> Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)2018/01/012
Using Nonconventional Water in Irrigation of Olive Trees and Its Effect on Olive Oil Properties2017/01/012
Nutrient Release during Residue Decomposition of Weeds Mown at Different Times in a Persimmon Orchard2017/01/012
Development of a Hybrid Best Management Practice System for Control of Agricultural Nonpoint Water Pollution2014/01/012
Effect of Composts Combined with Chemical N Fertilizer on Nitrogen Uptake by Italian Ryegrass and N Transformation in Soil2015/01/012
Biochar’s Electrochemical Properties Impact on Methanogenesis: Ruminal vs. Soil Processes2023/01/012
Allelopathic Effects of Adonis vernalis L.: Root Growth Inhibition and Cytogenetic Alterations2015/01/012
Removal of Sodium from Seawater Medium Using Photosynthetic Bacteria2017/01/012
Occurrence and Levels of Chlorinated Pesticides Residues in Cow Milk: A Human Health Risk Assessment2019/01/012
Determination of Selected Essential and Non-Essential Metals in Three Types of Teff (<i>Eragrostis tef</i>) Cultivated in Southern Ethiopia2020/01/012
Studies on Composting Spent Coffee Grounds by <i>Aspergillus sp</i> and <i>Aspergillus sp</i> in Aerobic Static Batch Temperature Control2021/01/012
Characterization of the Allelopathic Potential of Sugarcane Leaves and Roots2021/01/012
Purification Potential of Local Media in the Pre-Treatment of Greywater Using Vertical Biofilters under Sahelian Conditions2022/01/012
Effect of Steel Slag on Soil Fertility and Plant Growth2022/01/012
Utilization of Wood Biomass for Organic Soil Based on the Soil Fertility Index (SOFIX)2019/01/012
Soil Organic Fractions in Cultivated and Uncultivated Soils of Costal Area in Bangladesh2019/01/012
Effect of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Application on Growth, Yield, and Quality of Small-Sized Tomatoes2020/01/012
Synthesis of Southern Corn Rootworm Pheromone from S-Citronellol and Its Field Evaluation2016/01/011
Ethyl Levulinate Obtained from Lignocellulosic Waste Material with Previous Delignification by Ultrasonic-Assisted Technique2017/01/011
Uptake and Use Efficiencies of Nutrients by Sesame and Bambara Nut Alley Crops as Influenced by Manuring in a Cashew-Based Intercropping System in the Guinea Savanna Agroecology of Nigeria2018/01/011
Water Phytoremediation by Sedimentation Using Moringa oleifera Seed Powder to Remove Water Turbidity in Malaysia2014/01/011
Water Scrubbing for Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide (H<sub>2</sub>S) Inbiogas from Hog Farms2014/01/011
Temporal Variations on Soil Salinity and Cation Displacement at Saemangeum and Yeongsangang Reclaimed Tidal Lands2014/01/011
Two agronomical aspects of Tagetes terniflora HBK for essential oil production2014/01/011
Production of New Adsorbent from <i>Mango residues</i> Collected in the Urban Community of Mamou2022/01/011
An Assessment of Spatial Distribution of Four Different Satellite-Derived Rainfall Estimations and Observed Precipitation over Bangladesh2020/01/011
Impact of Seasons on Soil Physico-Chemical Properties and Tea Yields Based on Enriched Sheep Manure Used in Kericho, Kenya2019/01/011
Heavy Metal Speciation and Health Risk Assessment of Soil and Jute Mallow (Corchorus Olitorus) Collected From a Farm Settlement in Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria2019/01/011
Assessment of Phytosanitary Practices in Peri-Urban Agriculture and Associated Environmental and Health Impacts in Developing Countries: Case of Abengourou City (Côte d’Ivoire)2021/01/011
Heavy Metal Fluxes in Tropical Urban Forest Soil in Abidjan District (Côte d’Ivoire)2021/01/011