Sensors and Actuators A: Physical

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Tensile testing of insulating thin films; humidity effect on tensile strength of SiO2 films2000/05/01English
Wafer-to-wafer fusion bonding of oxidized silicon to silicon at low temperatures1998/06/01English
Dynamic behavior of ultra-thin polymer films deposited on surface acoustical wave devices1999/02/01English
Compact analytical modeling of squeeze film damping with arbitrary venting conditions using a Green's function approach1998/10/01English
Synergistic effects of rGO functionalization in nanocomposite-based triboelectric nanogenerators for enhanced energy harvesting2024/05/01English
Wide-bandwidth immersion ultrasound transducer made of Mn:PIMNT single crystal/epoxy 1–3 composite2024/04/01English
Xanthan gum toughen ionically conductive hydrogels for flexible and artificial epidermis sensors with multifunctionality and self-healability2024/05/01English
Advanced evaluation techniques: Gas sensor networks, machine learning, and chemometrics for fraud detection in plant and animal products2024/05/01English
Processing and interaction in robotics1999/01/01English
Ultrathin single-crystalline silicon on quartz (SOQ) by 150 °C wafer bonding1995/05/01English
Performance of Fabry–Perot microcavity structures with corrugated diaphragms2000/02/01English
Micromechanical ultrasonic liquid nebulizer1997/07/01English
Mixed ionic–electronic conducting thin-films of CuBr: a new active component for gas sensors?1999/04/01English
Analysis of gas sensor transient response by visualizing instantaneous gas concentration using smoke1998/06/01English
Integrated multifunctional humidity sensor1997/07/01English
Thermal analysis and simulation of the microchannel flow in miniature thermal conductivity detectors2000/02/01English
Humidity sensing properties of boron phosphate1998/06/01English
The effect of additives on the adsorption properties of porous silicon1997/06/01English
Design optimization of bistable microdiaphragm valves1998/01/01English
A novel micromachining technology for multilevel structures of silicon1997/12/01English
On temperature dependence of conductivity and thermopower of co-sputtered Nix-(SiO2)1-x composite thin films1997/07/01English
Interaction elimination for multicomponent strain-gauge dynamometers1995/08/01English
Low creep and hysteresis load cell based on a force-to-fluid pressure transformation1999/12/01English
A new optical-fiber sensor for measuring surface pressure of Langmuir monolayers1995/08/01English
Comparative study of novel micromachined accelerometers employing MIDOS2000/03/01English
Measurement of absolute strain based on a tunable cw semiconductor laser2000/03/01English
Silicon/glass wafer-to-wafer bonding with Ti/Ni intermediate bonding1998/11/01English
Bulk micromachined silicon comb-drive electrostatic actuators with diode isolation1997/09/01English
Wet etching of undercut sidewalls in {001}-silicon2000/01/01English
Design of a ring-shaped three-axis micro force/torque sensor1995/01/01English