International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A review of the NeT Task Group 1 residual stress measurement and analysis round robin on a single weld bead-on-plate specimen2014/08/01English49
Mechanisms of steam oxidation in high strength martensitic steels2007/01/01English49
Creep behavior of a new cast austenitic alloy2007/01/01English49
True stress control asymmetric cyclic plastic behavior in SA333 C–Mn steel2010/08/01English49
Stability and post-buckling response of sandwich pipes under hydrostatic external pressure2011/04/01English49
Finite element evaluation of clearance effect on tube-to-tubesheet joint strength2003/12/01English48
The effect of temperature, CO2, H2S gases and the resultant iron carbonate and iron sulfide compounds on the sour corrosion behaviour of ASTM A-106 steel for pipeline transportation2019/03/01English48
Criteria for the evaluation of damage and remaining life in reformer furnace tubes1996/01/01English48
A full-field residual stress estimation scheme for fitness-for-service assessment of pipe girth welds: Part I – Identification of key parameters2015/02/01English48
Uniaxial and biaxial ratchetting in piping materials—experiments and analysis2004/07/01English48
Investigation of ratcheting characteristics of modified 9Cr–1Mo steel by using the Chaboche constitutive model2007/05/01English48
A Fuzzy Logic method: Predicting pipeline external corrosion rate2018/06/01English47
Creep damage assessment of 10Cr-1Mo-1W-VNbN steel forging through EBSD observation2009/09/01English47
Effect of spatial correlation on the failure probability of pipelines under corrosion2005/02/01English47
Feasibility of producing ferritic/austenitic dissimilar metal joints by high energy density laser beam process1996/09/01English47
Residual stress measurement round robin on an electron beam welded joint between austenitic stainless steel 316L(N) and ferritic steel P912017/07/01English47
Creep damage and fracture of weldments at high temperature2004/02/01English47
Effects of attached straight pipes on finite element limit analysis for pipe bends2007/03/01English46
Microstructure and impact toughness of reheated coarse grain heat affected zones of API X65 and API X80 linepipe steels2018/06/01English46
Interaction of corrosion defects in pipelines – Part 1: Fundamentals2016/08/01English46
Three-dimensional thermo-elastic analysis of a functionally graded cylindrical shell with piezoelectric layers by differential quadrature method2011/05/01English46
Numerical investigation on weld residual stresses in tube to tube sheet joint of a heat exchanger2013/01/01English46
The NeT bead-on-plate benchmark for weld residual stress simulation2009/01/01English46
Residual stress measurement of a 316l stainless steel bead-on-plate specimen utilising the contour method2009/01/01English46
Machine learning supported acoustic emission technique for leakage detection in pipelines2020/12/01English46
Investigation on precipitation phenomena of Ni–22Cr–12Co–9Mo alloy aged and crept at high temperature2008/01/01English46
Structural integrity analysis of axially cracked pipelines using conventional and constraint-modified failure assessment diagrams2006/08/01English45
Magnetothermoelastic interactions in hollow structures of functionally graded material subjected to mechanical loads2007/03/01English45
Static and vibration analysis of axi-symmetric angle-ply laminated cylindrical shell using state space differential quadrature method2009/11/01English45
Impact of dependent stochastic defect growth on system reliability of corroding pipelines2012/08/01English45