International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Large deflection analysis of laminated composite plates resting on nonlinear elastic foundations by the method of discrete singular convolution2011/08/01English78
Ductile failure analysis of API X65 pipes with notch-type defects using a local fracture criterion2007/08/01English76
Control of vibration and resonance in aero engines and rotating machinery – An overview2010/09/01English75
Application of wavelet transform on modal acoustic emission source location in thin plates with one sensor2004/05/01English75
Analysis of compression and transport of the methane/hydrogen mixture in existing natural gas pipelines2018/09/01English75
Critical crack sizes in ductile piping1981/05/01English75
Dissimilar welding of duplex stainless steel with Ni alloys: A review2021/08/01English75
Discrete singular convolution method for the analysis of Mindlin plates on elastic foundations2007/09/01English74
A comparison of residual stresses in multi pass narrow gap laser welds and gas-tungsten arc welds in AISI 316L stainless steel2014/01/01English74
Small punch testing of P91 steel2006/09/01English73
Three-dimensional free vibration of functionally graded truncated conical shells subjected to thermal environment2012/01/01English72
Fracture response of pipelines subject to large plastic deformation under bending2005/03/01English72
Reliability of non-destructive test techniques in the inspection of pipelines used in the oil industry2008/11/01English71
Measurement of the residual stresses in a stainless steel pipe girth weld containing long and short repairs2005/04/01English71
A study on the sealing performance of bolted flange joints with gaskets using finite element analysis2007/06/01English70
Suppression of Type IV fracture and improvement of creep strength of 9Cr steel welded joints by boron addition2007/01/01English70
A general solution of an infinite elastic plate with an elliptic hole under biaxial loading1996/06/01English69
Thermoelastic analysis of a cylindrical vessel of functionally graded materials2010/05/01English68
Elastic analysis of internally pressurized thick-walled spherical pressure vessels of functionally graded materials2005/05/01English68
NeT bead-on-plate round robin: Comparison of residual stress predictions and measurements2009/01/01English68
Monitoring crack growth in pressure vessel steels by the acoustic emission technique and the method of potential difference2006/03/01English67
New low alloy heat resistant ferritic steels T/P23 and T/P24 for power plant application2007/01/01English67
Prediction of failure strain and burst pressure in high yield-to-tensile strength ratio linepipe2007/08/01English66
Finite-element creep damage analyses of P91 pipes2006/11/01English65
Creep degradation in welds of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel2006/11/01English65
Using heat sink technology to decrease residual stress in 316L stainless steel welding joint: Finite element simulation2012/04/01English65
The buckling of FGM truncated conical shells subjected to axial compressive load and resting on Winkler–Pasternak foundations2010/12/01English65
Maintenance planning under imperfect inspections of corroded pipelines2013/04/01English65
Microstructure evolution in HAZ and suppression of Type IV fracture in advanced ferritic power plant steels2010/11/01English65
A structural strain method for low-cycle fatigue evaluation of welded components2014/07/01English63