International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Creep behavior analysis on ruptured welds of heat-resistant steels with two different failure modes2023/12/01English
A short review of ratcheting effect in pressurized piping2023/10/01English
Knowledge gaps in fitness-for-service assessment procedures; summary of the 2nd ‘mind the gap’ workshop2023/04/01English
Connection strength analysis and prediction of external swaging based on tube deformation measurementEnglish
Interactive mechanism of bending and torsion and springback prediction method for spatial tubesEnglish
Investigation on microstructure evolution, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of dual phase stainless steel joints welded by GTAW and SAW methodsEnglish
Study of microstructure and mechanical properties of SA553/SA537 steels joints using multi-pass welding for pressure vessels application2024/04/01English
Numerical analysis of cylinders containing circular offset cross-bores1998/03/01English
Fatigue life calculation of flawed structures—based on artificial neural network with special learning set1998/03/01English
Stress reduction factor associated with saddle support with extended top plate1995/01/01English
Assessment of thermal stresses and ratchetting in reactor vessels1995/01/01English
Modelling the creep behaviour of a reheat header longitudinal weld2000/02/01English
An acousto-ultrasonics pattern recognition approach for the mechanical characterization of engineering materials1995/01/01English
Effect of temperature gradient on crack initiation1995/01/01English
Residual stress due to welding and its effect on the assessment of cracks near the weld interface1995/01/01English
Analysis of Mode-III fracture problem with multiple cracks by boundary element alternating method1995/01/01English
A dynamic system identification method for the characterization of the rheological response of a class of viscoelastic materials1995/01/01English
Risk assessment through probabilistic structural analysis1995/01/01English
Pretest fracture assessment of the NESC-1 spinning cylinder under a PTS transient1998/03/01English
Fracture toughness of 15X2MFA steel and its weldments2000/01/01English
Optimal control of above-ground pipelines under dynamic excitation1995/01/01English
Fatigue crack growth and slow crack growth of HDPE pipes under internal pressure and flat plate compression2024/04/01English
Weld repairs to high-pressure feed/effluent heat exchangers2000/02/01English
Experimental research of toroid-shaped bellows behavior1995/01/01English
Some experience in the use of damage mechanics to simulate crack behaviour in specimens and structures1995/01/01English
Magnetic investigations of stainless steels1995/01/01English
The stability of conical end caps with spherical tips as end closures for pressure vessels1995/01/01English
Investigating the impact of roller position on pressure tube-end fitting rolled joint performance using 3D explicit finite element analysis2023/12/01English
Component test of nickel-based alloys and their welded joints under long-term creep loading2023/12/01English
Early underground pipeline collapse detection and optimization based on water hammer vibration signal2023/12/01English