Open Journal of Earthquake Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Education from Social Disciplinary Theoretical Perspectives2024/01/01
SeisGuard: A Software Platform to Establish Automatically an Earthquake Forecasting Model2023/01/01
Geophysical Reactions to Remote 2022 Tonga Eruption and to Türkiye Earthquakes in Georgia (Caucasus): Hydrogeology, Geomagnetics and Seismicity2023/01/01
An Attempt to Analyze a Human Nervous System Algorithm for Sensing Earthquake Precursors2023/01/01
Accelerations in the Local Magnetic Field on the Adriatic Tectonic Microplate2021/01/01
Quantitative Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in the Kribi-Campo Sedimentary Basin (South Cameroon) Based on Spectral Analysis and 2.5D Modelling: Structural Implications2020/01/01
Methods for Determining the Epicenter of Strong Earthquake2021/01/01
Vane Shear Footing-Integrated Rational Approach for Seismic Bearing Capacity of Foundations & Seismic Pressure2019/01/01
Lower Ionospheric Turbulence Variations during the Intense Tectonic Activity of October, 2018 at Zakynthos Area, Greece2019/01/01
Sediment Deformations Due to Paleoseismic Events2019/01/01
Information and Predictive Oscillators of Energy Earthquakes2019/01/01
A Study on the Correlation of Physiological and Psychological Health Hazards in Human Habitats with Seismicity, Mountain Air Turbulence and Environmental Infrasound2018/01/01
Control Parameters of Magnitude—Seismic Moment Correlation for the Crustal Earthquakes2013/01/01
Feasibility Study of Community Earthquake Warning System Proposed for Mbeya City and Surrounding Regions2014/01/01
Variation of Altitude Observed on the Occasion of the Tohoku Earthquake (M = 9.0) Occurred on March 11, 20112014/01/01
Creating a Libyan Earthquake Archive: From Classical Times to the Present2020/01/01
Earthquakes in Cretaceous Granites Associated with North Korean Nuclear Tests2018/01/01
Evaluate Tectonic Activity of Tehran City (Iran) Based on Geomorphic Indices, Field Investigation and Remote Sensing Study2019/01/01
Capability of TEC correlation Analysis and Deceleration at Propagation Velocities of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances: Preseismic Anomalies before the Large Earthquakes2021/01/01
Seismic Risk Perception Assessment of Earthquake Survivors: A Case Study from the 2005 Kashmir Earthquake2020/01/01
Study on the Igneous Rock Seismic Facies in Yingmai 32 Blocks2020/01/01
Effect of Variation of the Coefficient of Friction on the Temperature at the Level of the Fault Lips2022/01/01
Discuss the Properties of Structural Steel and Applications of Waste Concrete from Post-Earthquake Investigations2013/01/01
Structural Behavior of Tall Building Raft Foundations in Earthquake Zones2017/01/01
Electrical Conductivity and Aftershock Activity in Seismically Active Region of Chamoli, Lesser Himalayas2017/01/01
Integration of Geophysical and Geotechnical Soil Characteristics for Local Site Seismic Design in Georgia2018/01/01
Seismic Sequences’ Branching Structures: Long-Range Interactions and Hazard Levels2016/01/01
Kepler’s Conjunction for Two Strong Earthquakes in Türkiye in February 20232023/01/01
Seismology in the Light of Fundamental Sciences2024/01/01
Earthquake under Control: Is It Feasible?2023/01/01