Nonlinear Dynamics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Nonlinear forced vibration of functionally graded graphene platelet-reinforced metal foam cylindrical shells: internal resonances2021/04/13English131
FPGA implementation of novel fractional-order chaotic systems with two equilibriums and no equilibrium and its adaptive sliding mode synchronization2016/12/16English130
Dynamic analysis and modeling of a novel fractional-order hydro-turbine-generator unit2015/04/05English130
Analytic solutions for the generalized complex Ginzburg–Landau equation in fiber lasers2017/07/04English130
Controllable combined Peregrine soliton and Kuznetsov–Ma soliton in $${\varvec{\mathcal {PT}}}$$ PT -symmetric nonlinear couplers with gain and loss2015/01/10English129
Robust adaptive dynamic surface control design for a flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicle with input constraints and uncertainty2014/05/26English128
A novel nonlinear resilient control for a quadrotor UAV via backstepping control and nonlinear disturbance observer2016/04/06English128
Chaotic and periodic bursting phenomena in a memristive Wien-bridge oscillator2015/09/07English127
Primary resonance analysis and vibration suppression for the harmonically excited nonlinear suspension system using a pair of symmetric viscoelastic buffers2018/06/25English127
Finite-time synchronization of complex networks with nonidentical discontinuous nodes2013/05/11English127
Recursive parameter identification of the dynamical models for bilinear state space systems2017/06/15English126
A fast and efficient multiple images encryption based on single-channel encryption and chaotic system2022/01/12English126
Unified nonlinear electroelastic dynamics of a bimorph piezoelectric cantilever for energy harvesting, sensing, and actuation2014/11/06English126
Dromion-like soliton interactions for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients in inhomogeneous optical fibers2019/02/15English126
New acoustic wave behaviors to the Davey–Stewartson equation with power-law nonlinearity arising in fluid dynamics2016/06/08English125
Breaking a novel image encryption scheme based on improved hyperchaotic sequences2013/05/24English125
Adaptive fractional-order switching-type control method design for 3D fractional-order nonlinear systems2015/05/13English124
Chaos and Hopf bifurcation of a finance system2009/02/21English124
Coupled spatial periodic waves and solitons in the photovoltaic photorefractive crystals2020/10/07English124
Coherently coupled solitons, breathers and rogue waves for polarized optical waves in an isotropic medium2015/02/07English124
Identification of Nonlinear Aeroelastic Systems Based on the Volterra Theory: Progress and Opportunities2005/01/01English124
Optical solitons with Biswas–Milovic equation by extended trial equation method2016/01/22English123
A novel approach for strong S-Box generation algorithm design based on chaotic scaled Zhongtang system2016/10/04English122
Dromion-like structures and periodic wave solutions for variable-coefficients complex cubic–quintic Ginzburg–Landau equation influenced by higher-order effects and nonlinear gain2019/11/18English122
Fractional-order delayed predator–prey systems with Holling type-II functional response2015/01/20English122
A novel pseudorandom number generator based on pseudorandomly enhanced logistic map2016/09/06English122
Spatiotemporal localizations in $$(3+1)$$ ( 3 + 1 ) -dimensional $${{\mathcal {PT}}}$$ PT -symmetric and strongly nonlocal nonlinear media2015/11/19English121
On the nonlinear dynamical systems within the generalized fractional derivatives with Mittag–Leffler kernel2018/05/26English121
Nonlinear damping in large-amplitude vibrations: modelling and experiments2017/10/31English121
Predicting the coefficient of restitution of impacting elastic-perfectly plastic spheres2009/09/27English121