Physical Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Group sparse Lasso for cognitive network sensing robust to model uncertainties and outliers2012/06/01English14
Enabling next generation small cells through femtorelays2013/12/01English14
Wireless physical layer key generation with improved bit disagreement for the internet of things using moving window averaging2019/04/01English14
Outage probability optimization for UAV-enabled wireless relay networks in fading channels2019/04/01English14
Optimal Deep Neural Network model based multimodality fused medical image classification2020/08/01English14
Joint design of spectrum sharing and routing with channel heterogeneity in cognitive radio networks2009/03/01English14
An adaptive deep learning-based UAV receiver design for coded MIMO with correlated noise2021/08/01English14
Blockchain for securing aerial communications: Potentials, solutions, and research directions2021/08/01English14
Relay selection for cooperative NOMA system over correlated fading channel2019/08/01English14
Full-duplex amplify-and-forward relay system with direct link: Performance analysis and optimization2019/12/01English14
Sensor-based dead-reckoning for indoor positioning2014/12/01English14
A prototype cognitive radio architecture for TVWS exploitation under the real time secondary spectrum market policy2014/03/01English13
HF spectrum activity prediction model based on HMM for cognitive radio applications2013/12/01English13
Automatic modulation classification using KELM with joint features of CNN and LBP2021/04/01English13
Physical layer attack identification and localization in cyber–physical grid: An ensemble deep learning based approach2021/08/01English13
Blockchain and 5G integrated softwarized UAV network management: Architecture, solutions, and challenges2021/08/01English13
Multi-UAVs trajectory and mission cooperative planning based on the Markov model2019/08/01English13
Compressed channel estimation for massive MIMO-OFDM systems over doubly selective channels2019/10/01English13
Surveying pervasive public safety communication technologies in the context of terrorist attacks2020/08/01English13
Direction Finding of rogue Wi-Fi access points using an off-the-shelf MIMO–OFDM receiver2015/12/01English13
Secure communications in cognitive underlay networks over Nakagami-mchannel2017/12/01English13
Wireless powered cooperative communications with direct links over correlated channels2018/06/01English13
Performance analysis for multi-user integrated satellite and UAV cooperative networks2019/10/01English13
Analysis of coverage-oriented small base station deployment in heterogeneous cellular networks2020/02/01English13
Relay selection schemes for Cooperative NOMA (C-NOMA) with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT)2019/10/01English13
Joint transmit antenna selection and precoding for millimeter wave massive MIMO systems2020/10/01English13
Reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted mobile network with randomly moving user over Fisher-Snedecor fading channel2020/12/01English13
Performance analysis of selective cooperation with fixed gain relays in Nakagami- channels2012/09/01English13
Adaptive cooperative routing transmission for energy heterogeneous wireless sensor networks2021/12/01English13
Ultra-wide band impulse radar for life detection using wavelet packet decomposition2018/08/01English13