Physical Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Comparison of sparse recovery algorithms for channel estimation in underwater acoustic OFDM with data-driven sparsity learning2014/12/01English22
Power splitting versus time switching based cooperative relaying protocols for SWIPT in NOMA systems2020/08/01English21
The combination of aggregation, ARQ, QoS guarantee and mapping of Application flows in Very High Throughput 802.11ac networks2015/12/01English21
Immune genetic algorithm based multi-UAV cooperative target search with event-triggered mechanism2020/08/01English21
Analysis of time-switching and power-splitting protocols in wireless-powered cooperative communication system2018/12/01English21
Security concerns on machine learning solutions for 6G networks in mmWave beam prediction2022/06/01English21
Improved decomposition-based multi-objective cuckoo search algorithm for spectrum allocation in cognitive vehicular network2019/06/01English20
Physical layer security of MIMO–OFDM systems by beamforming and artificial noise generation2011/12/01English20
Synthetic aperture radar image de-noising based on Shearlet transform using the context-based model2014/12/01English20
Deep learning based energy efficient optimal timetable rescheduling model for intelligent metro transportation systems2020/10/01English20
A fuzzy extension of VIKOR for target network selection in heterogeneous wireless environments2013/06/01English19
Mobile-aware and relay-assisted partial offloading scheme based on parked vehicles in B5G vehicular networks2020/10/01English19
A survey on UAV placement optimization for UAV-assisted communication in 5G and beyond networks2022/04/01English19
A survey of QoS/QoE mechanisms in heterogeneous wireless networks2014/12/01English19
Bayesian methodology for target tracking using combined RSS and AoA measurements2017/12/01English19
Joint utility-based uplink power and rate allocation in wireless networks: A non-cooperative game theoretic framework2013/12/01English19
Recent trends in multiuser detection techniques for SDMA–OFDM communication system2016/09/01English19
A comparative analysis of local and global adaptive threshold estimation techniques for energy detection in cognitive radio2018/08/01English18
Energy and spectrum efficient power allocation with NOMA in downlink HetNets2018/12/01English18
Joint resource allocation and power control for D2D communication with deep reinforcement learning in MCC2021/04/01English18
Enhancing security in multicasting through correlated Nakagami-m fading channels with opportunistic relaying2020/12/01English18
High speed integrated RF–VLC data communication system: Performance constraints and capacity considerations2022/02/01English18
A UAV-assisted topology-aware data aggregation protocol in WSN2019/06/01English18
Secure message confirmation scheme based on batch verification in vehicular cloud computing2019/06/01English18
Resource allocation and interference management in OFDMA-based VLC networks2018/12/01English17
An effective metaheuristic based node localization technique for wireless sensor networks enabled indoor communication2021/10/01English17
Adaptive cooperative communications for enhancing QoS in vehicular networks2019/06/01English17
On the positioning likelihood of UAVs in 5G networks2018/12/01English17
Waveform contenders for 5G: Description, analysis and comparison2017/09/01English17
User pairing and power allocation for non-orthogonal multiple access: Capacity maximization under data reliability constraints2018/10/01English17