Ukrainian Mathematical Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Half-Integer Values of the Sums of Harmonic Numbers of Order Two2017/03/01English
On The Existence of a Surface in the Pseudo-Euclidean Space with Given Grassmann Image2017/03/01English
On the Relationships Between Central Series in Some Locally Finite Groups2017/03/01English
Differentiability of Borel Measures Along Vector Fields on Banach Manifolds with Uniform Structure2017/03/01English
Some Conditions for Cyclic Chief Factors of Finite Groups2017/05/01English
Some Properties of the Moduli of Continuity of Periodic Functions in Metric Spaces2017/05/01English
A Generalization of WUU Rings2018/03/01English
Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for a Model of Bimolecular Surface Reactions2017/11/29English
Strong Laws of Large Numbers and the Asymptotic Equipartition Property for the Asymptotic N-Branch Markov Chains Indexed by a Cayley Tree2017/11/29English
Boundary-Value Problems for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Delay and Degeneration at the Initial Time2017/02/01English
Conditions of Solvability for Nonlinear Differential Equations with Perturbations of the Solutions in the Space of Functions Bounded on the Axis2017/02/01English
Mutual Winding Angles of Particles in Brownian Stochastic Flows with Top Lyapunov Exponent Equal to Zero2017/02/01English
Normality of the Orlicz–Sobolev Classes2016/06/01English
Systems of ϕ-Laplacian Three-Point Boundary-Value Problems on the Positive Half Line2016/05/01English
Regularized Integrals of Motion for the Korteweg–De-Vries Equation in the Class of Nondecreasing Functions2016/05/01English
Rings Whose Nonsingular Modules Have Projective Covers2016/06/01English
The D&P Shapley Value: a Weighted Extension2016/06/01English
Approximation of Analytic Functions by Partial Sums of their Taylor Series2016/05/01English
Almost Periodic and Poisson Stable Solutions of Difference Equations in Metric Spaces2016/05/01English
Determination of Jumps in Terms of Linear Operators2016/05/01English
Singularity and Fine Fractal Properties of One Class of Infinite Bernoulli Convolutions with Essential Overlapping. II2016/05/01English
Boundedness of Riesz-Type Potential Operators on Variable Exponent Herz–Morrey Spaces2018/02/01English
Some Holomorphic Generalizations of Loxodromic Functions2018/02/01English
Total Differential2018/02/01English
Asymptotic Representation of the Solutions of Differential Equations with Regularly Varying Nonlinearities2018/02/01English
Descriptive Complexity of the Sizes of Subsets of Groups2018/02/01English
Generalized Kernels of the Toeplitz Type for Exponentially Convex Functions2016/07/01English
Preacyclicity Over the Rings with Infinite Fields of Residues2016/07/01English
Trees as Level Sets for Pseudoharmonic Functions in the Plane. II2016/07/01English
Topological Conjugate Piecewise Linear Unimodal Mappings of an Interval Into Itself2016/07/01English