Annals of Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Characteristic Forms and Geometric Invariants1974/01/01549
The strong perfect graph theorem2006/07/01English542
A Decomposition Theorem for Partially Ordered Sets1950/01/01539
Analytic Vectors1959/11/01537
Classification of Injective Factors Cases II 1 , II ∞ , III λ , λ � 11976/07/01513
Drift diffusion equations with fractional diffusion and the quasi-geostrophic equation2010/04/25English513
The Cohomology Structure of an Associative Ring1963/09/01507
A Remarkable Property of the Riemann-Christoffel Tensor in Four Dimensions1938/10/01504
On a Class of Doubly Transitive Groups1962/01/01503
Exponential Polynomials1934/04/01501
The Parabolic Differential Equations and the Associated Semi-Groups of Transformations1952/05/01499
A proof of the Kepler conjecture2005/11/01English495
On Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight1973/05/01489
Metric Spaces and Completely Monotone Functions1938/10/01484
Note on the Derivatives with Respect to a Parameter of the Solutions of a System of Differential Equations1919/07/01483
Rational Homotopy Theory1969/09/01471
Interpolations by Bounded Analytic Functions and the Corona Problem1962/11/01471
Resonances in n-Body Quantum Systems With Dilatation Analytic Potentials and the Foundations of Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory1973/03/01467
Sur La Cohomologie des Espaces Fibres Principaux et des Espaces Homogenes de Groupes de Lie Compacts1953/01/01465
Theory of Braids1947/01/01451
Differentiable Manifolds1936/07/01444
On an Algebraic Generalization of the Quantum Mechanical Formalism1934/01/01441
Global Uniqueness for a Two-Dimensional Inverse Boundary Value Problem1996/01/01440
On Irreducible 3-Manifolds Which are Sufficiently Large1968/01/01440
The Existence of Minimal Immersions of 2-Spheres1981/01/01413
Normal and Integral Currents1960/11/01401
Representations of Reductive Groups Over Finite Fields1976/01/01401
On Rings of Operators1936/01/01399
Stable and Unitary Vector Bundles on a Compact Riemann Surface1965/11/01399
Groups of Homotopy Spheres: I1963/05/01395