IET Control Theory & Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Consensus problems for high-dimensional multi-agent systems2007/05/01English122
State filtering‐based least squares parameter estimation for bilinear systems using the hierarchical identification principle2018/08/01English121
Output-feedback adaptive dynamic surface control of stochastic non-linear systems using neural network2010/12/01English121
Back-stepping sliding mode control for missile systems based on an extended state observer2011/01/01English120
Dynamic consensus of linear multi-agent systems2011/01/01English119
Consensus problems for linear time-invariant multi-agent systems with saturation constraints2011/04/14English118
Least squares-based recursive and iterative estimation for output error moving average systems using data filtering2011/09/22English117
Optimal control for networked control systems with disturbances: a delta operator approach2017/06/01English117
Active disturbance rejection control for uncertain multivariable systems with time-delay2007/01/01English116
Barrier Lyapunov functions‐based dynamic surface control for pure‐feedback systems with full state constraints2017/02/01English115
Leader-following formation control of multiple mobile vehicles2007/03/01English115
Gradient‐based iterative algorithm for a class of the coupled matrix equations related to control systems2014/10/01English114
Cooperative adaptive fault‐tolerant tracking control for a class of multi‐agent systems with actuator failures and mismatched parameter uncertainties2015/05/01English113
Consensus control for high-order multi-agent systems2011/01/01English112
Note on stability of discrete-time time-varying delay systems2012/01/01English110
Performance analysis of the generalised projection identification for time‐varying systems2016/10/27English110
Multivariable continuous fixed‐time second‐order sliding mode control: design and convergence time estimation2017/05/01English109
Adaptive backstepping dynamic surface control for systems with periodic disturbances using neural networks2009/10/01English107
Hierarchical platoon control with heterogeneous information feedback2011/10/13English107
Event‐triggered distributed ℋ ∞ state estimation with packet dropouts through sensor networks2015/08/01English107
Adaptive cyber‐physical system attack detection and reconstruction with application to power systems2016/08/01English106
Finite-time filtering for non-linear stochastic systems with partially known transition jump rates2010/05/01English106
Distributed Kalman filtering: a bibliographic review2013/03/01English106
Event‐triggered output‐feedback ℋ ∞ control for networked control systems with time‐varying sampling2015/06/01English105
Adaptive fractional‐order non‐singular fast terminal sliding mode control for robot manipulators2016/08/01English104
Robust control for uncertain switched non-linear systems with time delay under asynchronous switching2009/08/01English104
Optimal motion planning for overhead cranes2014/11/01English104
Parameter estimation for pseudo‐linear systems using the auxiliary model and the decomposition technique2017/02/01English103
Modelling and identification for non-uniformly periodically sampled-data systems2010/05/01English102
Robust ℋ∞ stabilisation of networked control systems with packet analyser2010/09/01English102