Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the Zoroastrian Temple Cult of Fire1975/07/0115
The Evolution of Magic Squares in China1960/04/0114
Assyria and Its Image in the First Isaiah1983/10/0114
The Transition from Bronze to Iron in the Near East and in the Levant: Marginal Notes1990/07/0114
Transsexualism, Gender, and Anxiety in Traditional India1993/07/0114
Notes on the Nūristāni and Dardic Languages1973/07/0114
John Philoponus as a Source of Medieval Islamic and Jewish Proofs of Creation1969/04/0114
Messenger of Spring and Morality: Cuckoo Lore in Chinese Sources1998/10/0114
Knowledge and Taqlîd: The Foundations of Religious Belief in Classical Ashʿarism1989/01/0114
Sītā and Draupadī: Aggressive Behavior and Female Role-Models in the Sanskrit Epics1989/01/0114
On Suicide in Islam1946/07/0113
Epic and Counter-Epic in Medieval India1963/09/0113
Classical Arabic Wisdom Literature: Nature and Scope1981/01/0113
China and the Trade in Cloves, Circa 960-14351993/01/0113
The Science of Respiration and the Doctrine of the Bodily Winds in Ancient India1993/04/0113
Linguistic Structure of Hebrew1941/09/0113
Ibn ʿArabi and His Interpreters Part II (Conclusion): Influences and Interpretations1987/01/0113
The High Places (Bamot) and the Reforms of Hezekiah and Josiah: An Archaeological Investigation2002/07/0113
Bead Making in Ancient Sind1937/03/0112
The Formation of the Islamic State1986/04/0112
Arab Religious Nationalism in the Colonial Era: Rereading Rashīd Riḍā's Ideas on the Caliphate1997/04/0112
Theodore Abū Qurrah's Arabic Tract on the Christian Practice of Venerating Images1985/01/0112
The Ottoman Vezir and Paşa Households 1683-1703: A Preliminary Report1974/10/0112
An Arab Grammarian of the Eighth Century A. D.: A Contribution to the History of Linguistics1973/04/0112
Glottal Dissimilation and the Lahu High-Rising Tone: A Tonogenetic Case-Study1970/01/0112
Schooldays: A Sumerian Composition Relating to the Education of a Scribe1949/10/0112
The Divine King in the Indian Epic1984/07/0112
Neo-Assyrian Royal Women and Male Identity: Status as a Social Tool2004/01/0111
Kālidāsa and the Attitudes of the Golden Age1976/01/0111
The Economic Relations of the Neo-Assyrian Empire with Egypt1978/01/0111