International Journal of Philosophical Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Critical Notices2004/06/01English
Book Reviews2005/12/01English
The Personal and the Philosophical in Gadamer's Thought2005/12/01English
Books Received2005/12/01English
Radical Misinterpretation Indeed: Response to Lepore and Ludwig2007/12/01English
Radical Misinterpretation: A Reply to Stoutland2007/12/01English
Critical Notice2007/12/01English
Book Reviews2007/12/01English
Books received2004/12/01English
Reply to Jeff Malpas: on truth, realism, changing one's mind about Davidson (not Heidegger), and related topics2004/09/01English
Lewis’s Synthesis2008/02/01English
Editorial Introduction2008/02/01English
Books Received2008/02/01English
Book Reviews2008/02/01English
Self‐Defence and the Right to Resist2008/02/01English
Transformative Choice, Practical Reasons and Trust2018/03/15English
Peirce’s account of purposefulness: a Kantian perspective2016/03/14English
Books Received2017/01/01English
Rethinking Transcendence: Heidegger, Plessner and the Problem of Anthropology2017/05/17English
Robert Papazian Annual Essay Prize on Themes from Ethics and Political Philosophy2017/03/15English
Clitophon’s Challenge: Dialectic in Plato’s Meno, Phaedo, and Republic2017/03/15English
A Companion to Ancient Aesthetics2017/03/27English
Pretense and Pathology: Philosophical Fictionalism and its Applications2017/03/15English
What is Philosophical about Kant’s Anthropology?2017/05/18English
Special Issue – Rethinking Philosophical Anthropology2017/05/27English
Robert Papazian Prize Special Issue on Trust2018/03/15English
Between Faith and Belief: Toward a Contemporary Phenomenology of Religious Life2017/12/26English
Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy2017/03/15English