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Home > All Content > Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Value Chains for Nutrition in South Asia: Who Delivers, How, and to Whom? Cover Page Edited by: Mar Maestre and Nigel Poole February 2018 Volume 49 Issue 1 There is currently much talk of the private sector role in nutrition, and whether the state can ‘shape’ the market to deliver better nutritional outcomes. This issue of the IDS Bulletin presents research findings in this area, developed by the consortium of research partners under the Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) programme. The IDS Bulletin aims to analyse existing (or potential) agri-food value chain pathways for delivering nutritious foods from agriculture to vulnerable populations in South Asia. It discusses the role of both public and private actors in making these value chains more effective in achieving sustained increased consumption of nutrient-rich foods. In comparing the different pathways, this set of articles warns against the assumption that increasing the supply of certain products will directly lead to increased consumption. It highlights how, in South Asia, interventions or policies that try to enhance these pathways often struggle because of a mix of supply, distribution, marketing, and consumption challenges. This IDS Bulletin argues that the key to sustainable food systems might be a ‘food sovereignty’ approach. This calls for awareness at all levels of decision-making – public, private and civil society – in the promotion of nutrition-sensitive value chains, emphasising the need for a stronger government role in shaping agri-food value chain pathways. By looking at the limits of what business can and cannot achieve in a given market environment, the IDS Bulletin provides insights to policymakers about how to create an appropriate institutional environment that shapes how these value chains operate for the benefit of nutritionally vulnerable target groups. SUBSCRIBE FOR PRINT Value Chains for Nutrition in South Asia: Who Delivers, How, and To Whom? Mar Maestre Morales, Nigel Poole DOI: 10.19088/1968-2018.100 ABSTRACT FULL ISSUE PDF Introduction: Who Delivers Nutritious Foods, How and To Whom in South Asia? Mar Maestre Morales, Nigel Poole DOI: 10.19088/10.19088/1968-2018.101 ABSTRACT PDFONLINE ARTICLE Private Business Driven Value Chains and Nutrition: Insights from India Rohit Parasar, R V Bhavani DOI: 10.19088/10.19088/1968-2018.102 ABSTRACT PDFONLINE ARTICLE Business-Based Strategies for Improved Nutrition: The Case of Grameen Danone Foods Jessica Agnew, Spencer Henson DOI: 10.19088/10.19088/1968-2018.103 ABSTRACT PDFONLINE ARTICLE Going Against the Grain of Optimism: Flour Fortification in Pakistan Natasha Ansari, Rashid Mehmood, Haris Gazdar DOI: 10.19088/10.19088/1968-2018.104 ABSTRACT PDFONLINE ARTICLE Food Distribution Value Chain under the Integrated Child Development Services R V Bhavani, Rohit Parasar DOI: 10.19088/10.19088/1968-2018.105 ABSTRACT PDFONLINE ARTICLE Milk for Milk, Water for Water? Pakistan’s Dairy Value Chain Innovation Natasha Ansari, Rashid Mehmood, Haris Gazdar DOI: 10.19088/10.19088/1968-2018.106 ABSTRACT PDFONLINE ARTICLE Building Dairy Value Chains in Badakhshan, Afghanistan Nigel Poole DOI: 10.19088/10.19088/1968-2018.107 ABSTRACT PDFONLINE ARTICLE A Study on Milk Value Chain for the Poor in Bangladesh Abid Ul Kabir, Sirajul Islam, Md. Hasib Reza DOI: 10.19088/1968-2018.108 ABSTRACT PDFONLINE ARTICLE Focus on Gender, Context, and Evidence: CARE’s Lessons Learned
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