Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stationary infinitely divisible processes2011/11/018
The Burr XII power series distributions: A new compounding family2015/08/015
The beta power distribution2012/02/014
The beta log-logistic distribution2014/08/014
The statistical mechanics of stretched polymers2010/07/013
Gibbs–non-Gibbs properties for n-vector lattice and mean-field models2010/07/013
Sample path deviations of the Wiener and the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process from its bridges2013/11/012
The complementary exponential power series distribution2013/11/012
Long-term survival models with latent activation under a flexible family of distributions2013/11/012
Adaptative significance levels using optimal decision rules: Balancing by weighting the error probabilities2016/02/012
Gibbs measures and phase transitions on sparse random graphs2010/07/012
Noise, interaction, nonlinear dynamics and the origin of rhythmic behaviors2015/05/012
New heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors for the linear regression model2014/02/012
The exponentiated Kumaraswamy distribution and its log-transform2013/02/012
On bivariate inverse Weibull distribution2017/05/012
Reliability estimation in a multicomponent stress-strength model for Burr XII distribution under progressive censoring2020/05/012
Fractional absolute moments of heavy tailed distributions2016/05/011
On the critical probability of percolation on random causal triangulations2017/05/011
Angular spectra for non-Gaussian isotropic fields2015/11/011
Slope influence diagnostics in conditional heteroscedastic time series models2015/02/011
Large deviations and the Boltzmann entropy formula2015/05/011
Combination of regression and ratio estimate in presence of nonresponse2011/07/011
Integrals of incomplete beta functions, with applications to order statistics, random walks and string enumeration2022/03/011
A functional limit theorem for moving averages with weakly dependent heavy-tailed innovations2022/03/011
Beta rectangular regression models to longitudinal data2021/11/011
A note on the Nielsen distribution2021/11/011
Absolute continuity of the super-Brownian motion with infinite mean2021/11/011
On a transform for modeling skewness2021/05/011
Measuring inequality and social welfare from any arbitrary distribution2010/03/011
An approximate approach to fractional stochastic integration and its applications2010/03/011